2014年2月12日 星期三

西蒙娜‧薇依 (Simone Weil): The Iliad or the Poem of Force (40, 41,42)

我的觀察: Hector,Achilles,Agamemnon....這些武士,基本上真的都具賭徒性格! 就是想贏一把大的! 小贏的時候,會下更多的睹注,希望全盤通贏。小輸的時候,會夢想下一把贏回來。賭徒,何時願意離手? 贏很多的時候? 錯! 輸到精光為止! 
     勝的時候,想更勝更多;輸的時候,又以為下次可以贏? 這,打仗成癮,迷失!
Iliad 18. 293-310
 νῦν δ᾽ ὅτε πέρ μοι ἔδωκε Κρόνου πάϊς ἀγκυλομήτεω
κῦδος ἀρέσθ᾽ ἐπὶ νηυσί, θαλάσσῃ τ᾽ ἔλσαι Ἀχαιούς,
νήπιε μηκέτι ταῦτα νοήματα φαῖν᾽ ἐνὶ δήμῳ:
οὐ γάρ τις Τρώων ἐπιπείσεται: οὐ γὰρ ἐάσω.
ἀλλ᾽ ἄγεθ᾽ ὡς ἂν ἐγὼ εἴπω, πειθώμεθα πάντες.
νῦν μὲν δόρπον ἕλεσθε κατὰ στρατὸν ἐν τελέεσσι,
καὶ φυλακῆς μνήσασθε, καὶ ἐγρήγορθε ἕκαστος:
Τρώων δ᾽ ὃς κτεάτεσσιν ὑπερφιάλως ἀνιάζει,
συλλέξας λαοῖσι δότω καταδημοβορῆσαι:
τῶν τινὰ βέλτερόν ἐστιν ἐπαυρέμεν ἤ περ Ἀχαιούς.
πρῶϊ δ᾽ ὑπηοῖοι σὺν τεύχεσι θωρηχθέντες
νηυσὶν ἔπι γλαφυρῇσιν ἐγείρομεν ὀξὺν Ἄρηα.
εἰ δ᾽ ἐτεὸν παρὰ ναῦφιν ἀνέστη δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς,
ἄλγιον αἴ κ᾽ ἐθέλῃσι τῷ ἔσσεται: οὔ μιν ἔγωγε
φεύξομαι ἐκ πολέμοιο δυσηχέος, ἀλλὰ μάλ᾽ ἄντην
στήσομαι, ἤ κε φέρῃσι μέγα κράτος, ἦ κε φεροίμην.
ξυνὸς Ἐνυάλιος, καί τε κτανέοντα κατέκτα.

英文譯本引用出處: http://records.viu.ca/~johnstoi/homer/iliad18.htm
But now, when crooked-minded Cronos’ son
allows me to win glory by the ships,
hemming the Achaeans in beside the sea,
this is no time, you fool, to say such things
before the people. Not a single Trojan
will take your advice. I won’t permit it.
But come, let’s all follow now what I suggest.
You must take your dinner at your stations 
  all through the army, making sure you watch,
with every man awake. Any Trojan
too concerned about his property  
should gather it up and give it to the men
for common use. Better that one of us
gets use from it than that Achaeans do.
Tomorrow morning early, right at dawn,
we’ll fully arm ourselves with weapons,
then take keen battle to those hollow ships.
If indeed it’s true that lord Achilles   
is returning to that battle by the ships,
if he wants that, so much the worse for him.
I won’t run from him in painful battle,
but stand against him, fighting face to face,
whether great victory goes to him or me. 

Hector不願聽Polydamas建議撤退,原因是要追求戰士的榮譽? 為了獲得更大的勝利? 悲哀! 因為,真的是把戰場當成賭場,成癮,沒有理性可言了! 

Achilles tending Patroclus' wounds from a red-figure kylix by the Sosias Painter from about 500 B.C. in the Staatliche museum in Berlin. Public Domain. Courtesy of Wikipedia. In the Staatliche Museen, Antikenabteilung, Berlin. 圖片資料出處: 

西蒙娜‧薇依 (Simone Weil): The Iliad or the Poem of Force: 目錄