2014年7月12日 星期六

Bk XXI:245-310 Odysseus seeks to try the bow

ἀλλ᾽ εἰ δὴ τοσσόνδε βίης ἐπιδευέες εἰμὲν
ἀντιθέου Ὀδυσῆος, ὅ τ᾽ οὐ δυνάμεσθα τανύσσαι
τόξον: ἐλεγχείη δὲ καὶ ἐσσομένοισι πυθέσθαι.
(Odyssey 21. 253-255)

But if we are so weak compared to godlike Odysseus
that we can’t string his bow, it’s a disgrace
which men will learn about in years to come.
詩人也知道一件事,寫在史詩的褒貶將傳承千年萬年,這群追求者輸的不只是一次比賽, 而是日後的名聲。
   Antinous提議,這是一次神聖的節慶( the holy feast),應該酹酒祭 Apollo (Odyssey 21. 256-284)。這時還假扮老乞丐的Odysseus,在一旁附議,特別是贊成把事情交給神明決定,所以且讓他也試一試。(Odyssey 21. 269-284) 
οἶνος καὶ Κένταυρον, ἀγακλυτὸν Εὐρυτίωνα,
ἄασ᾽ ἐνὶ μεγάρῳ μεγαθύμου Πειριθόοιο,
ἐς Λαπίθας ἐλθόνθ᾽: ὁ δ᾽ ἐπεὶ φρένας ἄασεν οἴνῳ,
μαινόμενος κάκ᾽ ἔρεξε δόμον κάτα Πειριθόοιο:
ἥρωας δ᾽ ἄχος εἷλε, διὲκ προθύρου δὲ θύραζε
ἕλκον ἀναΐξαντες, ἀπ᾽ οὔατα νηλέϊ χαλκῷ
ῥῖνάς τ᾽ ἀμήσαντες: ὁ δὲ φρεσὶν ᾗσιν ἀασθεὶς
ἤϊεν ἣν ἄτην ὀχέων ἀεσίφρονι θυμῷ.
ἐξ οὗ Κενταύροισι καὶ ἀνδράσι νεῖκος ἐτύχθη,
οἷ δ᾽ αὐτῷ πρώτῳ κακὸν εὕρετο οἰνοβαρείων.
(Odyssey 21. 295-304)

The wine, so honey sweet,
has injured you, as it harms other men,
when they gulp it down and drink too much.  
Wine befuddled even great Eurytion,
the centaur, in brave Perithous’ house,
when he’d gone to the Lapiths. Afterwards,
when his heart went blind from drinking wine,
in a mad fit he committed evil acts
in Perithous’ home. Grief seized the heroes.
They jumped up and hauled him out of doors,
through the gate, then cut off his ears and nose
with pitiless bronze. His wits were reckless,
and he went on his way, bearing madness 
in his foolish heart. And that’s the reason
the fight between centaurs and men began.

資料來源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurytion
In Greek mythology Eurytion (or, alternatively, Eurythion; Greek: Εὐρυτίων, gen.: Εὐρυτίωνος), "widely honoured", was a name attributed to six individuals.
l  The king of Phthia, son of either Actor, or of Ctimenus (Κτίμενος), or of Irus and Demonassa, or of Kenethos and Cerion, and father of Antigone. He is counted among the Argonauts and the Calydonian hunters. In Phthia, Peleus was purified by Eurytion for the murder of Phocus and married Antigone, Eurytion's daughter. Peleus accidentally killed Eurytion during the hunt for the Calydonian Boar and fled from Phthia to Iolcus, where he was purified by Acastus.
l  A Centaur of Arcadia who demanded to marry the daughter of Dexamenus of Olenus, either Mnesimache or Deianira, or who threatened violence against his daughter Hippolyte on the day of her marriage to Azan. Her father was forced to agree, but Heracles intervened on her behalf and killed the wild horse-man.
l  Another Centaur, of Thessaly, who attempted to carry off the bride of Peirithous, king of the Lapiths, on their wedding day. He and his fellows were killed in the fight with the Lapiths that followed, the Centauromachy. Ovid refers to him as "Eurytus", and by his Latinized Greek name "Eurytion".
l  Son of Ares and the Hesperid Erytheia, who bore him "beside the silver-rooted boundless waters of the river Tartessus, in the hollow of a rock," according to a Strabo's quote from a lost poem of Stesichoros. He, and the two-headed dog Orthrus, were the guardians of the cattle of Geryon and were killed by Heracles.
l  This Eurytion was also used as a character in the Percy Jackson book The Battle of the Labyrinth.
l  A Trojan archer during the Trojan War, son of Lycaon and brother of Pandarus. He participated in the funeral games of Anchises.
l  A defender of Thebes against the Seven, was killed by Parthenopaeus.

Bk XXI:186-244 Odysseus reveals himself to Eumaeus

觀察許久,Odysseus應該很確定,離家二十年中,仍忠心耿耿的僕人有兩位: 豬倌Eumaues和牛倌Philoetius。眼見時機成熟,Odysseus把他們拉到外面,表明身分。這兩位一開始也不相信,他們需要驗明正身,Odysseus秀出腳傷,果真是有效的證明。兩人一確定眼前就是主人Odysseus,又是大哭一場,Odysseus勸阻,因為他需要他們的及時幫助:

παύεσθον κλαυθμοῖο γόοιό τε, μή τις ἴδηται
ἐξελθὼν μεγάροιο, ἀτὰρ εἴπῃσι καὶ εἴσω.
ἀλλὰ προμνηστῖνοι ἐσέλθετε, μηδ᾽ ἅμα πάντες,
πρῶτος ἐγώ, μετὰ δ᾽ ὔμμες: ἀτὰρ τόδε σῆμα τετύχθω:
ἄλλοι μὲν γὰρ πάντες, ὅσοι μνηστῆρες ἀγαυοί,
οὐκ ἐάσουσιν ἐμοὶ δόμεναι βιὸν ἠδὲ φαρέτρην:
ἀλλὰ σύ, δῖ᾽ Εὔμαιε, φέρων ἀνὰ δώματα τόξον
ἐν χείρεσσιν ἐμοὶ θέμεναι, εἰπεῖν τε γυναιξὶ
κληῗσαι μεγάροιο θύρας πυκινῶς ἀραρυίας,
ἢν δέ τις ἢ στοναχῆς ἠὲ κτύπου ἔνδον ἀκούσῃ
ἀνδρῶν ἡμετέροισιν ἐν ἕρκεσι, μή τι θύραζε
προβλώσκειν, ἀλλ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἀκὴν ἔμεναι παρὰ ἔργῳ.
σοὶ δέ, Φιλοίτιε δῖε, θύρας ἐπιτέλλομαι αὐλῆς
κληῗσαι κληῗδι, θοῶς δ᾽ ἐπὶ δεσμὸν ἰῆλαι.
(Odyssey 21. 228-241)

“Stop these laments. Let’s have no more crying.
Someone might come out from the hall, see us,
and tell the people in the house. Let’s go in,
one by one, not all together. I’ll go first. 
You come later. And let’s make this our sign.
All those other men, the noble suitors,
will not allow the quiver and the bow
to be given to me. But, good Eumaeus, 
as you’re carrying that bow through the house,
put it in my hands, and tell the women
to lock their room—bolt the close-fitting doors.
If any of them hears the noise of men
groaning or being hit inside our walls,
she’s to stay quiet, working where she is,
and not run off outside. Now, as for you,  
good Philoetius, I want you to lock
the courtyard gates. Bolt and lash them shut.
Do it quickly.”

下面圖片來源: http://swineherder.blogspot.tw/2011/02/eumaeus_17.html

Bk XXI:136-185 The Suitors try the bow

比賽即將展開,出場比賽的人員位置的示意圖如下,原則是 Antinous宣布的:
τοῖσιν δ᾽ Ἀντίνοος μετέφη, Εὐπείθεος υἱός:
‘ὄρνυσθ᾽ ἑξείης ἐπιδέξια πάντες ἑταῖροι,
ἀρξάμενοι τοῦ χώρου ὅθεν τέ περ οἰνοχοεύει.
(Odyssey 21. 140-142)

Then Antinous, Eupeithes’ son, addressed them: 
All you comrades, get up in order now,  
from left to right, beginning from the place
where the steward pours the wine.”

ἑξείης in order, one after another
ἐπιδέξιος towards the right

οἰνοχοεύω pour out wine for drinking,


ὦ φίλοι, οὐ μὲν ἐγὼ τανύω, λαβέτω δὲ καὶ ἄλλος.
πολλοὺς γὰρ τόδε τόξον ἀριστῆας κεκαδήσει
θυμοῦ καὶ ψυχῆς, ἐπεὶ ἦ πολὺ φέρτερόν ἐστι
155τεθνάμεν ἢ ζώοντας ἁμαρτεῖν, οὗθ᾽ ἕνεκ᾽ αἰεὶ
ἐνθάδ᾽ ὁμιλέομεν, ποτιδέγμενοι ἤματα πάντα.
νῦν μέν τις καὶ ἔλπετ᾽ ἐνὶ φρεσὶν ἠδὲ μενοινᾷ
γῆμαι Πηνελόπειαν, Ὀδυσσῆος παράκοιτιν.
αὐτὰρ ἐπὴν τόξου πειρήσεται ἠδὲ ἴδηται,
ἄλλην δή τιν᾽ ἔπειτα Ἀχαιϊάδων εὐπέπλων
μνάσθω ἐέδνοισιν διζήμενος: ἡ δέ κ᾽ ἔπειτα
γήμαιθ᾽ ὅς κε πλεῖστα πόροι καὶ μόρσιμος ἔλθοι.
(Odyssey 21.152-162)
   “My friends, I’m not the man to string this bow. So now,
let someone else take hold of it. This bow
will take away from many excellent men
their lives and spirits, since it’s far better
to die than live and fail in the attempt
to have what we are gathered here to get,
always waiting in hope day after day.
Now every man has feelings in his heart—
he desires and hopes to wed Penelope,
Odysseus’ wife. But when he’s tried this bow
and observed what happens, then let him woo
another of Achaea’s well-dressed women, 
seeking to win her with his bridal gifts,
and then Penelope can wed the man
who offers her the most, whose fate it is
to be her husband.”
   只是他說的預言有人聽嗎? 沒有。Antinous辯駁,「不能因為你做不到,就以為別人都做不到。」而且,Antinous還有點小聰明,把彎弓烘烤一下,塗抹油,弓變得比較光滑。可惜,還是沒用。