2018年1月29日 星期一

20180127  Iliad 24. 372-377

τὸν δ᾽ ἠμείβετ᾽ ἔπειτα γέρων Πρίαμος θεοειδής:
‘οὕτω πῃ τάδε γ᾽ ἐστὶ φίλον τέκος ὡς ἀγορεύεις.
ἀλλ᾽ ἔτι τις καὶ ἐμεῖο θεῶν ὑπερέσχεθε χεῖρα,
ὅς μοι τοιόνδ᾽ ἧκεν ὁδοιπόρον ἀντιβολῆσαι
αἴσιον, οἷος δὴ σὺ δέμας καὶ εἶδος ἀγητός,
πέπνυσαί τε νόῳ, μακάρων δ᾽ ἔξεσσι τοκήων.
Then the old man, godlike Priam, answered him: Just so, dear son, are all these things as you say. But still some god has stretched out his hand even over me, since he has sent a wayfarer such as you to meet me, a good omen, so wondrous in form and beauty, and you are wised in understanding; happy parents are they from who you are sprung.

《伊里亞德》提到的老人(γέρων) Priam,也有神的光燁 (θεοειδής),儘管內心無比恐懼,為了摯愛的長子,仍隻身夜奔敵營。此時,Hermes佯裝一位美男子,親切地陪伴與鼓勵PriamPriam把這位「旅伴」(ὁδοιπόρος a wayfarer, traveller)當成此刻的貴人,是神的出手相助,感謝這位俊美、有禮、善解人意的旅伴,並祝福他的家人。


μάκαρ blessed, happy

Priam | 8235 (detail): Priam (right); the other perhaps Achilles’ attendant or Hermes. Red-figured cup. Athens c. 480 BC. British Museum, London.

20180125 Iliad 24. 359-361

ὣς φάτο, σὺν δὲ γέροντι νόος χύτο, δείδιε δ᾽ αἰνῶς,
ὀρθαὶ δὲ τρίχες ἔσταν ἐνὶ γναμπτοῖσι μέλεσσι,
στῆ δὲ ταφών:

So he spoke, and the old man’s mind was thrown into confusion, and he was dreadfully afraid, and straight up stood the hair on his pliant limbs, and he stood in a daze.



Silver cup showing Priam imploring Achilles to return the body of Hector (Photo: Courtesy National Museum, Copenhagen)