2018年1月21日 星期日

20180120 Iliad 24. 265-270

ὣς ἔφαθ᾽, οἳ δ᾽ ἄρα πατρὸς ὑποδείσαντες ὁμοκλὴν
ἐκ μὲν ἄμαξαν ἄειραν ἐΰτροχον ἡμιονείην
καλὴν πρωτοπαγέα, πείρινθα δὲ δῆσαν ἐπ᾽ αὐτῆς,
κὰδ δ᾽ ἀπὸ πασσαλόφι ζυγὸν ᾕρεον ἡμιόνειον
πύξινον ὀμφαλόεν εὖ οἰήκεσσιν ἀρηρός:
ἐκ δ᾽ ἔφερον ζυγόδεσμον ἅμα ζυγῷ ἐννεάπηχυ.

So he spoke, and they, seized with fear of their father’s rebuke, brought out the light-running mule wagon, fair and newly made, and bound on it the wicker box; and down from its peg they took the mule yoke, a boxwood yoke with a knob on it, well fitted with guiding rings; and they brought out the yoke band of nine cubits, and with it the yoke.

Priam的小孩阻止父親不成,立即幫父親準備「騾車」(ἡμιονείην),這一部騾車是新制的、也很美觀,用這部騾車運用贖金與禮物給Achilles,才顯得氣派與誠意。荷馬史詩出現「騾車」三次左右 (Od. 6.72, Iliad 24.189Iliad 24.266),也說明古希臘已經使用騾當交通運輸工具。

下圖與文字出處: http://mulography.co.uk/?p=1017

Mules pulling a cisium.