2014年8月28日 星期四

Odyssey 8. 62-82 ἀοιδός

主題: 歌人
ἀοιδός, singer, minstrel, bard,中文翻譯成吟唱詩人或歌人,Alcinous邀請來的這位大有來頭,名叫Demodocus,常被認為是荷馬自己的化身。
  細讀62-82行,可以窺見荷馬對歌人或自己職業的定位:歌人,謬思女神所眷顧的,但是,有得必有失,有吟唱詩歌的才華,視力卻奪走。還有,歌人的位置在宴會廳的中央,坐的還是高檔的鑲銀的椅子,座位旁還有有一小桌,有酒有肉,隨時可以享用。古代椅子有象徵意義,這位置與座椅說明Alcinous非常重視歌人。67-68行的描述,可知這弦琴(φόρμιγξ, lyre)體積龐大,需掛在木橛上,甚至需要傳令官Pontonous幫助歌人找到手放的位置。

κῆρυξ δ᾽ ἐγγύθεν ἦλθεν ἄγων ἐρίηρον ἀοιδόν,
τὸν πέρι μοῦσ᾽ ἐφίλησε, δίδου δ᾽ ἀγαθόν τε κακόν τε:
ὀφθαλμῶν μὲν ἄμερσε, δίδου δ᾽ ἡδεῖαν ἀοιδήν.
τῷ δ᾽ ἄρα Ποντόνοος θῆκε θρόνον ἀργυρόηλον
μέσσῳ δαιτυμόνων, πρὸς κίονα μακρὸν ἐρείσας:
κὰδ δ᾽ ἐκ πασσαλόφι κρέμασεν φόρμιγγα λίγειαν
αὐτοῦ ὑπὲρ κεφαλῆς καὶ ἐπέφραδε χερσὶν ἑλέσθαι
κῆρυξ: πὰρ δ᾽ ἐτίθει κάνεον καλήν τε τράπεζαν,
πὰρ δὲ δέπας οἴνοιο, πιεῖν ὅτε θυμὸς ἀνώγοι.
οἱ δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ὀνείαθ᾽ ἑτοῖμα προκείμενα χεῖρας ἴαλλον.
αὐτὰρ ἐπεὶ πόσιος καὶ ἐδητύος ἐξ ἔρον ἕντο,
μοῦσ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἀοιδὸν ἀνῆκεν ἀειδέμεναι κλέα ἀνδρῶν,
οἴμης τῆς τότ᾽ ἄρα κλέος οὐρανὸν εὐρὺν ἵκανε,
νεῖκος Ὀδυσσῆος καὶ Πηλεΐδεω Ἀχιλῆος,
ὥς ποτε δηρίσαντο θεῶν ἐν δαιτὶ θαλείῃ
ἐκπάγλοις ἐπέεσσιν, ἄναξ δ᾽ ἀνδρῶν Ἀγαμέμνων
χαῖρε νόῳ, ὅ τ᾽ ἄριστοι Ἀχαιῶν δηριόωντο.
ὣς γάρ οἱ χρείων μυθήσατο Φοῖβος Ἀπόλλων
Πυθοῖ ἐν ἠγαθέῃ, ὅθ᾽ ὑπέρβη λάινον οὐδὸν
χρησόμενος: τότε γάρ ῥα κυλίνδετο πήματος ἀρχὴ
Τρωσί τε καὶ Δαναοῖσι Διὸς μεγάλου διὰ βουλάς.
(Odyssey 8. 62-82)

ὀφθαλμός eye
πάσσαλος peg
φόρμιγξ lyre

Meanwhile the herald was returning
with the loyal singer, a man the Muse so loved
above all others. She’d given him both bad and good,
for she’d destroyed his eyes but had bestowed on him
the gift of pleasing song. The herald, Pontonous,
then brought up a silver-studded chair for him.
He set its back against a lofty pillar in their midst,
hung the clear-toned lyre on a peg above his head,      
then showed him how to reach it with his hands.
The herald placed a lovely table at his side,
with food in a basket and a cup of wine to drink,
when his heart felt the urge. Then all those present 
reached for the splendid dinner set in front of them.
Once they’d enjoyed their heart’s fill of food and drink,
the minstrel was inspired by the Muse to sing
a song about the glorious deeds of warriors,
that tale, whose fame had climbed to spacious heaven,
about Odysseus and Achilles, son of Peleus, 
when, at a lavish feast in honour of the gods,
they’d fought each other in ferocious argument.1
Still, in his heart Agamemnon, king of men,
had been glad to see the finest of Achaeans
quarrelling, for that’s what he’d been told would happen,
when he’d crossed the stone threshold in sacred Pytho
to consult Phoebus Apollo in his oracle
and the god had answered him with this reply—
that from this point on, disasters would begin                                      
for Trojans and Danaans, as great Zeus willed.  

Homer and His Guide, by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825–1905), portraying Homer on Mount Ida, beset by dogs and guided by the goatherder Glaucus (as told in Pseudo-Herodotus)

下面圖片出處: http://www.brunswick.k12.me.us/hdwyer/files/2012/08/odysseus_crying.gif


λιβανωτός frankincense

Herodotus 提到古代阿拉伯是產香料的唯一地區。

πρὸς δ᾽ αὖ μεσαμβρίης ἐσχάτη Ἀραβίη τῶν οἰκεομενέων χωρέων ἐστί, ἐν δὲ ταύτῃ λιβανωτός τε ἐστὶ μούνῃ χωρέων πασέων φυόμενος καὶ σμύρνη καὶ κασίη καὶ κινάμωμον καὶ λήδανον. ταῦτα πάντα πλὴν τῆς σμύρνης δυσπετέως κτῶνται οἱ Ἀράβιοι. (Htd. 3.107.1)

Again, Arabia is the most distant to the south of all inhabited countries: and this is the only country which produces frankincense and myrrh and casia and cinnamon and gum-mastich. All these except myrrh are difficult for the Arabians to get.

λιβανωτός frankincense
σμύρνα myrrh, Balsamodendron Myrrha
κασία cassia, Cinnamomum iners
κιννάμωμον Cinnamomum Cassia
λάδανον an aromatic gum, gum mastich

維基百科資料: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B9%B3%E9%A6%99
乳香(frankincense)是一種由橄欖科植物乳香木(Boswellia thurifera 或Boswellia sacra)產出的含有揮發油的香味樹脂,古代用於宗教祭典,也當作熏香料(製造熏香、精油的原料)使用。乳香也是中藥的一種外科和內科藥材,用於止痛、化瘀、活血,乳香「性溫,療耳聾、中風、口噤、婦人血風。能發酒治風,冷止大腸,泄僻療諸瘡癤,令內消。」[1]趙汝適在《諸蕃志》卷下《乳香》載:「乳香,一名薫陸香,出大食之麻囉拔、施曷、奴發三國深山窮谷中。其樹大概類榕,以斧斫株,脂溢於外,結而成香,聚而爲塊」。在西方的文獻紀載中,乳香用做消炎、殺菌、鎮定,促進細胞再生,現代也逐漸有人使用一滴乳香精油塗抹臉部,抗皺。乳香在古法文為franc encens,表示「真/貴重」「香料」,形容它在古代歐洲多貴重。該說法現在還在許多歐洲語言中使用。乳香一詞是因為阿拉伯文稱之為「奶」(al-lubán)而來,理由是樹脂從乳香木滴出時像乳液一樣。乳香產於乳香木,採集方法是在樹皮上割開傷口,流出乳狀汁液,接觸空氣後變硬,成為黃色微紅的半透明凝塊。乳香主要產地是索馬里葉門阿曼杜法爾哈德拉毛地區,古代的集散中心是以示巴王國為中心的葉門地區。

Asian Bird Cherry

今天讀一段Herodotus,提到古代The Scythian Agrippaei 吃一種奇特果實維生:  ponticum (Htd. 4.23)。從Herodotus的希臘觀點看,Scythian也是遊牧民族,風俗習慣與飲食生活都很奇特,吃野果似乎很不可思議。若從宇宙觀點觀看,顯然,大地無盡寶藏,人的生存自有道理。

Bird Cherry or Hackberry or Asian Bird Cherry
Prunus Padus

ποντικὸν μὲν οὔνομα τῷ δενδρέῳ ἀπ᾽ οὗ ζῶσι, μέγαθος δὲ κατὰ συκέην μάλιστά κῃ. καρπὸν δὲ φορέει κυάμῳ ἴσον, πυρῆνα δὲ ἔχει. τοῦτο ἐπεὰν γένηται πέπον, σακκέουσι ἱματίοισι, ἀπορρέει δὲ ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ παχὺ καὶ μέλαν: οὔνομα δὲ τῷ ἀπορρέοντι ἐστὶ ἄσχυ: τοῦτο καὶ λείχουσι καὶ γάλακτι συμμίσγοντες πίνουσι, καὶ ἀπὸ τῆς παχύτητος αὐτοῦ τῆς τρυγὸς παλάθας συντιθεῖσι καὶ ταύτας σιτέονται. (Htd. 4.23.3).
The tree by which they live is called “Pontic”; it is about the size of a fig-tree, and bears a fruit as big as a bean, with a stone in it. When this fruit is ripe, they strain it through cloth, and a thick black liquid comes from it, which they call “aschu”; they lick this up or drink it mixed with milk, and from the thickest lees of it they make cakes, and eat them.

下面圖片來源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prunus_padus