2018年1月2日 星期二

20180101 Iliad 24. 17-20

. . .  τὸν δέ τ᾽ ἔασκεν
ἐν κόνι (塵埃) ἐκτανύσας προπρηνέα (臉朝下): τοῖο δ᾽ Ἀπόλλων
πᾶσαν ἀεικείην ἄπεχε χροῒ (人的身體) φῶτ᾽ ἐλεαίρων (同情、憐憫)
καὶ τεθνηότα περ:    Iliad 24. 17-20

… but would leave Hector outstretched on his face in the dust. But Apollo kept all defacement from his flesh, pitying the warrior even in death.

        LOEB版本中用了臉(face)、和變形(defacement)二字,也是過去我讀荷馬史詩的印象,腦海浮現的是特洛伊第一英雄的臉龐在揚起的灰塵中仍不失其英武氣魄。不過原來希臘文並沒有強調臉龐,只用了προπρηνέα (προπρηνής),是指臉朝下。此外,因為眾神憐憫,不單單是讓Hector的臉龐沒變形;眾神保護Hector的全身 (χροΐ/ χρώς)
        這次閱讀,我看到在眾微塵裡的另一重要元素:Apollo的慈悲不朽之神對凡人的關照與憐憫 (ἐλεαίρων)

Depicting detail from a black-figure hydria, this image shows Achilles as he bends-over the body of a now-deceased Hector. Fastening Hector’s remains to his chariot, Achilles plans to drag the body around the Greek camp.  By mutilating Hector’s corpse, Achilles seeks revenge for the death of his close friend and relative, Patroclus (Patroklos).  The Athenian artifact was made by the Leagros Group and illustrated by the Antiope Painter, circa 510 B.C.