2015年4月12日 星期日

太陽不見了,二讀Odyssey 20.352-357


ἆ δειλοί, τί κακὸν τόδε πάσχετε; νυκτὶ μὲν ὑμέων
εἰλύαται κεφαλαί τε πρόσωπά τε νέρθε τε γοῦνα.
οἰμωγὴ δὲ δέδηε, δεδάκρυνται δὲ παρειαί,
αἵματι δ᾽ ἐρράδαται τοῖχοι καλαί τε μεσόδμαι:
εἰδώλων δὲ πλέον πρόθυρον, πλείη δὲ καὶ αὐλή,
ἱεμένων Ἔρεβόσδε ὑπὸ ζόφον: ἠέλιος δὲ
οὐρανοῦ ἐξαπόλωλε, κακὴ δ᾽ ἐπιδέδρομεν ἀχλύς.
(Odyssey 20. 352-357)

O you miserable men, what troubles
are you suffering now? Your heads, your faces,
your lower limbs are shrouded in the night.
You’re on fire with grief, faces wet with tears,
fine pedestals and walls have gobs of blood,
the porch is full of ghosts, so is the yard—
ghosts rushing in the dark to Erebus.
Up in the sky the sun has disappeared—
an evil mist is covering everything.
被標示出的文字是356-357行 ἠέλιος δὲ οὐρανοῦ ἐξαπόλωλε, κακὴ δ᾽ ἐπιδέδρομεν ἀχλύς (Up in the sky the sun has disappeared—an evil mist is covering everything).....太陽不見了!
 2008年National Geographic出了一篇文章,引起不少關注,也有不少中文媒體轉報導相似訊息:


Ancient Eclipse Found in "The Odyssey," Scientists Say

Richard A. Lovett
for National Geographic News
June 23, 2008
"The sun has perished out of heaven, and an evil mist has overspread the world."
With those words in The Odyssey, Homer laid down not a prophecy of doom but a description of a real-world total solar eclipse, scientific sleuths announced today.
It has been known for decades that there was only one such eclipse during the time period Homer wrote about in the ancient Greek poem—on April 16, 1178 B.C. The blackout even occurred at noon, as described in the epic poem.
But without additional evidence, the idea that Homer's passage describes an eclipse has been pooh-poohed by Homeric scholars.
Now scientists have looked into additional astronomical descriptions in The Odyssey and found them to be consistent with that date for the noontime darkness.
The references relate to moon phases and positions of constellations and planets—phenomena that rarely occur in the sequence described in Homer's work—physicist Marcelo Magnasco said by email. Magnasco co-authored the new study with fellow Rockefeller University scholar Constantino Baikouzis, an astronomer.
The scientists used astronomical software to simulate the Greek skies, night by night, over a 135-year period surrounding the eclipse.
Even without using the eclipse itself in their calculations, the researchers found only one date for the noontime darkness: April 16, 1178 B.C.

Scientific American也有報導


Researchers say that references to planets and constellations in the Odyssey describe asolar eclipse that occurred in 1178 B.C., nearly three centuries before Homer is believed to have written the story. If correct, the finding would suggest that the ancient poet had a surprisingly detailed knowledge of astronomy.
The Odyssey, commonly dated to near 800 B.C., describes the 10-year voyage of the Greek general Odysseus to his home on the island of Ithaca after the fall of Troy in approximately 1200 B.C. Toward the end of the story, a seer named Theoclymenus prophecies the death of a group of suitors competing for the affection of Penelope, the wife of Odysseus, who is believed to be dead. Theoclymenus delivers his prophecy as the suitors are sitting down for their noontime meal. He foresees them entering Hades and ends his speech with the statement, "The Sun has been obliterated from the sky, and an unlucky darkness invades the world." Odysseus dispatches the suitors not long thereafter.
Greek scholars Plutarch and Heraclitus advanced the idea that Theoclymenus's speech was a poetic description of an eclipse. They cited references in the story that the day of the prophecy was a new moon, which would be true of an eclipse. In the 1920s researchers speculated that Homer might have had a real eclipse in mind, after calculating that a total solar eclipse (in which the moon blocks out the sun) would have been visible on April 16, 1178 B.C. over the Ionian Islands, where Homer's poem was set. The idea languished, however, because the first writings on Greek astronomydid not come until centuries later.
Inspired by an incorrect reference to Homer's alleged eclipse in an astronomy textbook, biophysicists Constantino Baikouzis and Marcelo Magnasco, both at the Rockefeller University, pored over the Odyssey for additional clues. Sailing back to Ithaca on a raft, Odysseus navigates by monitoring the constellations Pleiades and Bootes, which share the sky twice a year in March and September. The morning he arrives in Ithaca, Venus rises in the sky before dawn, which happens on about one third of new moons. But the crucial clue came from a reference to the god Hermes flying west to the island of Ogygia. The researchers propose the god's voyage actually refers to the planet Mercury, which hangs low in the sky and reverses course from west to east every 116 days.
Baikouzis and Magnasco used commercial astronomical software to scan all 1,684 new moons between the years 1250 and 1125 B.C. for dates that matched those conditions. "Even though each event happens individually often, the pattern doesn't repeat that often," Magnasco says—only once every 2,000 years, he and Baikouzis report inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. And one of those matches is April 16, 1178 B.C. Magnasco says that he had a hunch about Hermes, known as Mercury to the Romans, after coming across the idea that the Greeks used the stories of the gods as mnemonic devices to remember astronomical events. Taking Mercury out of the mix leaves 15 matching dates in the 135-year search period, he adds.
According to Magnasco, the references imply that Homer chose to set the slaying of the suitors on the day of the eclipse. (He notes that he has "no clue" whether similar events to those described in the Odyssey actually occurred on that day.)






  1. http://newswire.rockefeller.edu/2008/06/23/celestial-clues-hint-at-eclipse-in-homers-odyssey/
  2. http://www.newrepublic.com/blog/the-study/90045/total-eclipse-the-odyssey
  3. 古希臘文或拉丁文關於日蝕或可能是日蝕的描述: http://hbar.phys.msu.su/gorm/atext/ginzele_.htm?hc_location=ufi
  4. HOMER’S SECRET ODYSSEY  http://www.epicstars.org.uk/?hc_location=u

重新找回Marcelo Magnasco 發表的論文

Is an eclipse described in the Odyssey?


Plutarch and Heraclitus believed a certain passage in the 20th book of the Odyssey (“Theoclymenus's prophecy”) to be a poetic description of a total solar eclipse. In the late 1920s, Schoch and Neugebauer computed that the solar eclipse of 16 April 1178 B.C.E. was total over the Ionian Islands and was the only suitable eclipse in more than a century to agree with classical estimates of the decade-earlier sack of Troy around 1192–1184 B.C.E. However, much skepticism remains about whether the verses refer to this, or any, eclipse. To contribute to the issue independently of the disputed eclipse reference, we analyze other astronomical references in the Epic, without assuming the existence of an eclipse, and search for dates matching the astronomical phenomena we believe they describe. We use three overt astronomical references in the epic: to Boötes and the Pleiades, Venus, and the New Moon; we supplement them with a conjectural identification of Hermes's trip to Ogygia as relating to the motion of planet Mercury. Performing an exhaustive search of all possible dates in the span 1250–1115 B.C., we looked to match these phenomena in the order and manner that the text describes. In that period, a single date closely matches our references: 16 April 1178 B.C.E. We speculate that these references, plus the disputed eclipse reference, may refer to that specific eclipse.

Big Think Interview With Marcelo Magnasco

還有2013年古典學家Peter Painsford的 回應:
Odyssey 20.356-57 and the Eclipse of 1178 BCE: A Response to Baikouzis and Magnasco



這個推論,間接提出奧德修斯回家日期,再推算出特洛伊戰爭年代;不過,別忘了,Marcelo Magnasco是先假設特洛伊戰爭發生在1200 BCE左右,所以,用此方法推回特洛伊戰爭時間,邏輯上是嚴重錯誤。


大學時代讀的小說《白鯨記》,大都似懂非懂。星期六的演講,我再次回想過去讀書,好像「瞎子摸鯨」..... 。我到現在還有點迷糊,藍鯨,是藍色? 白鯨,是白色?
"There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. And there is a Catskill eagle in some souls that can alike dive down into the blackest gorges, and soar out of them again and become invisible in the sunny spaces. And even if he for ever flies within the gorge, that gorge is in the mountains; so that even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plain, even though they soar."
--from MOBY DICK by Herman

  • 1866年6月15日在瑞典首都斯德哥爾摩舉辦歐洲藝術及工業展覽(Konst-och industriutställningen),奧斯卡(Oscar)王子及勒維莎(Lovisa)王妃親臨現場。
  • 在當時瑞典第二大城哥特堡自然歷史博物館(Göteborgs Naturhistoriska museum)有展示世界上最大鯨魚藍鯨展示,此鯨魚於1865年10月29日擱淺在哥特堡南方Näset外海,體長16公尺,經該博物館做成標本,並於當年12月對外展示。

中華科技史學會例會演講筆記 (2)



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(Magic Lantern),原本使用鯨油,但漸漸被煤油與石油取代

鏡影燈(Magic Lantern)
以下圖片來源: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/Magic_Lantern_with_EA_FC_MM_Slides.htm

以下圖片來源:   http://www.oobject.com/12-magic-lanterns/chinese-magic-lantern-by-aubert-1879/2510/