2018年11月28日 星期三


Famille verte, (French: “green family”) group of Chinese porcelain wares characterized by decoration painted in a colour range that includes yellow, blue, red, purple, and green, the latter sometimes used for the ground. The verte palette that uses a yellow ground is famille jaune; the palette that uses a rich greenish black ground is famille noire. Famille verte ware was made largely during the Kangxi period (1661–1722) of the Qing dynasty.

** 素三彩是燒高溫沒上釉瓷胎,但底部大多會落釉下青花底款再上透明高溫釉,坯體會有淺刻花紋圖案,再上含鉛量高的唐三彩釉(不止三種顏色)進窯燒約900.c,燒成後這高溫瓷坯低溫釉彩稱作素三彩,它所使用的原料跟釉上粉彩不相同,溫差約100.c。


康熙年間彩繪風格之一,即在畫面開出「窗口」,另繪圖案,英文叫cartouche 。
清康熙 墨地素三彩開光人物故事圖鳳尾尊