2014年8月10日 星期日

Odyssey 24 看見年邁的父親

Odyssey 24. 205-301

ὣς εἰπὼν δμώεσσιν ἀρήϊα τεύχε᾽ ἔδωκεν.
οἱ μὲν ἔπειτα δόμονδε θοῶς κίον, αὐτὰρ Ὀδυσσεὺς
ἆσσον ἴεν πολυκάρπου ἀλωῆς πειρητίζων.
οὐδ᾽ εὗρεν Δολίον, μέγαν ὄρχατον ἐσκαταβαίνων,
οὐδέ τινα δμώων οὐδ᾽ υἱῶν: ἀλλ᾽ ἄρα τοί γε
αἱμασιὰς λέξοντες ἀλωῆς ἔμμεναι ἕρκος
ᾤχοντ᾽, αὐτὰρ ὁ τοῖσι γέρων ὁδὸν ἡγεμόνευε.
τὸν δ᾽ οἶον πατέρ᾽ εὗρεν ἐϋκτιμένῃ ἐν ἀλωῇ,
λιστρεύοντα φυτόν: ῥυπόωντα δὲ ἕστο χιτῶνα
ῥαπτὸν ἀεικέλιον, περὶ δὲ κνήμῃσι βοείας
κνημῖδας ῥαπτὰς δέδετο, γραπτῦς ἀλεείνων,
χειρῖδάς τ᾽ ἐπὶ χερσὶ βάτων ἕνεκ᾽: αὐτὰρ ὕπερθεν
αἰγείην κυνέην κεφαλῇ ἔχε, πένθος ἀέξων.
τὸν δ᾽ ὡς οὖν ἐνόησε πολύτλας δῖος Ὀδυσσεὺς
γήραϊ τειρόμενον, μέγα δὲ φρεσὶ πένθος ἔχοντα,
στὰς ἄρ᾽ ὑπὸ βλωθρὴν ὄγχνην κατὰ δάκρυον εἶβε.
(Odyssey 24. 219-234)

γηράσκω grow old
βλωθρός tall
ὄγχνη pear-tree, Pirus communis

Odysseus spoke,
then gave his battle weapons to his servants.
They quickly went inside the house. Then Odysseus,   
walking out to test his father, came up beside
the fruitful vineyard and from there continued down
to the extensive orchard, where he failed to find
Dolius or any sons of his father’s slaves.
They’d gone off to gather large rocks for the wall
around the vineyard, with the old man in the lead.
In the well-established vineyard he found his father.
He was digging round a plant, all by himself,
dressed in a filthy, shabby, patched-up tunic.
Around his legs he’d tied shin pads stitched from ox-hide
to protect himself from scratches, and on his hands  
he had on gloves, since there were thistles in that spot.
On his head he wore a goatskin hat. In these clothes
he was dealing with his grief. When lord Odysseus,
who had endured so much, saw him worn down with age
and carrying so much heavy sorrow in his heart,
he stood under a tall pear tree and shed a tear...
       父與子的故事,特別是闊別後重逢的一幕,在《舊約》有一些例子,最有名的就是Jacob and Joseph (Gen. 37.34)。英文中的sackcloth and ashes的典故源自《舊約》。老人家穿著破爛,表示哀悼而兒子已死。這裡有點出荷馬史詩和近東地區古文化的相似之處。
下面資料出處: https://www.biblegateway.com/resources/dictionary-of-bible-themes/6742-sackcloth-ashes
sackcloth and ashes
Sackcloth is a coarse, black cloth made from goat’s hair that was worn together with the burnt ashes of wood as a sign of mourning for personal and national disaster, as a sign of repentance and at times of prayer for deliverance.

Sackcloth and ashes worn as a sign of mourning for the dead

By Jacob for Joseph Ge 37:34

By David, Joab and the people for Abner See also 2Sa 3:31

Sackcloth and ashes worn as a sign of mourning for personal or national disaster

Job 16:15; Job 42:6 See also Est 4:1; La 2:10; Joel 1:8

Sackcloth and ashes worn as a sign of repentance for sin

By Ahab 1Ki 21:27

By David and the elders See also 1Ch 21:16

By the Israelites Ne 9:1

By the Ninevites and their king See also Jnh 3:5-9 Even the animals were to wear sackcloth.

By others Isa 15:3; Jer 49:3; Eze 27:31; Mt 11:21 pp Lk 10:13

Sackcloth and ashes worn at times of prayer for deliverance

By Hezekiah and his companions 2Ki 19:1-2

By Daniel Da 9:3

Sackcloth was worn in many different ways

See also 1Ki 20:31; 2Ki 6:30; Isa 3:24; Isa 58:5; Joel 1:13
Sackcloth used figuratively

Isa 50:3

Odysseus又編一個故事騙父親,但終究父子要相認,Odysseus 說出實情,但是愛說謊的人,實在令人難以相信,Laertes要他拿出具體證據說明,Odysseus舉兩個例子,一個是腳傷,一個是果園的果樹數目,13棵梨子樹,10棵蘋果樹,和40 棵無花果樹,還有50棵葡萄藤:

οὐλὴν μὲν πρῶτον τήνδε φράσαι ὀφθαλμοῖσι,
τὴν ἐν Παρνησῷ μ᾽ ἔλασεν σῦς λευκῷ ὀδόντι
οἰχόμενον: σὺ δέ με προΐεις καὶ πότνια μήτηρ
ἐς πατέρ᾽ Αὐτόλυκον μητρὸς φίλον, ὄφρ᾽ ἂν ἑλοίμην
δῶρα, τὰ δεῦρο μολών μοι ὑπέσχετο καὶ κατένευσεν.
εἰ δ᾽ ἄγε τοι καὶ δένδρε᾽ ἐϋκτιμένην κατ᾽ ἀλωὴν
εἴπω, ἅ μοί ποτ᾽ ἔδωκας, ἐγὼ δ᾽ ᾔτεόν σε ἕκαστα
παιδνὸς ἐών, κατὰ κῆπον ἐπισπόμενος: διὰ δ᾽ αὐτῶν
ἱκνεύμεσθα, σὺ δ᾽ ὠνόμασας καὶ ἔειπες ἕκαστα.
ὄγχνας μοι δῶκας τρισκαίδεκα καὶ δέκα μηλέας,
συκέας τεσσαράκοντ᾽: ὄρχους δέ μοι ὧδ᾽ ὀνόμηνας
δώσειν πεντήκοντα, διατρύγιος δὲ ἕκαστος
ἤην: ἔνθα δ᾽ ἀνὰ σταφυλαὶ παντοῖαι ἔασιν—
ὁππότε δὴ Διὸς ὧραι ἐπιβρίσειαν ὕπερθεν.

First, let your eyes inspect this scar—a boar
inflicted that on me with its white tusk,
when I went to Parnassus, sent there
by you and by my honourable mother,
to her cherished father, Autolycus,
so I could get the gifts he’d promised me,
what he’d agreed to give when he was here.
Come, I’ll tell you the trees you gave me once
in the well-established vineyard—back then
I was a child following you in the yard,
and I asked about each one. It was here—we walked by these very trees. You named them
and described them to me. You offered me
thirteen pear trees and ten apple trees
along with forty fig trees. In the same way,
you said you’d give me fifty rows of vines,
bearing all sorts of different types of grapes,
when Zeus’ seasons load their tops with fruit.
這裡的蘋果樹: μηλέα apple-tree, Pyrus malusFrom Latin pirus (“pear tree”) + mālus (“apple tree”),和梨是同科同屬。

下面圖片資料來源: http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Laertes.html

