2015年2月24日 星期二


主題: 天后的時尚
Iliad 14.153-186
荷馬史詩中的天后Hera,為了讓希臘人戰勝,使出美人計,迷惑天神宙斯。 這位牛眼睛 (βοῶπιςox-eyed)女神,開始用力打扮,用天露(ambrosia)洗得香噴噴,全身抹油,再加噴天露香水 (ambrosia)。梳頭髮,編閃亮美麗的髮辮。下面是天后的精心打扮:
衣服 (ἑανός) 是雅典娜縫製的,滿滿香氣的(ambrosial)布料製成。

這身打扮,堪稱古代的時尚吧! 常言道,女為悅己者容,只是Hera心機真的太重了,除了打扮,接下來天后還會使出更多的把戲!
ἔνθ᾽ ἥ γ᾽ εἰσελθοῦσα θύρας ἐπέθηκε φαεινάς.
ἀμβροσίῃ μὲν πρῶτον ἀπὸ χροὸς ἱμερόεντος
λύματα πάντα κάθηρεν, ἀλείψατο δὲ λίπ᾽ ἐλαίῳ
ἀμβροσίῳ ἑδανῷ, τό ῥά οἱ τεθυωμένον ἦεν:
τοῦ καὶ κινυμένοιο Διὸς κατὰ χαλκοβατὲς δῶ
ἔμπης ἐς γαῖάν τε καὶ οὐρανὸν ἵκετ᾽ ἀϋτμή.
τῷ ῥ᾽ ἥ γε χρόα καλὸν ἀλειψαμένη ἰδὲ χαίτας
πεξαμένη χερσὶ πλοκάμους ἔπλεξε φαεινοὺς
καλοὺς ἀμβροσίους ἐκ κράατος ἀθανάτοιο.
ἀμφὶ δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἀμβρόσιον ἑανὸν ἕσαθ᾽, ὅν οἱ Ἀθήνη
ἔξυσ᾽ ἀσκήσασα, τίθει δ᾽ ἐνὶ δαίδαλα πολλά:
χρυσείῃς δ᾽ ἐνετῇσι κατὰ στῆθος περονᾶτο.
ζώσατο δὲ ζώνῃ ἑκατὸν θυσάνοις ἀραρυίῃ,
ἐν δ᾽ ἄρα ἕρματα ἧκεν ἐϋτρήτοισι λοβοῖσι
τρίγληνα μορόεντα: χάρις δ᾽ ἀπελάμπετο πολλή.
κρηδέμνῳ δ᾽ ἐφύπερθε καλύψατο δῖα θεάων
καλῷ νηγατέῳ: λευκὸν δ᾽ ἦν ἠέλιος ὥς:
ποσσὶ δ᾽ ὑπὸ λιπαροῖσιν ἐδήσατο καλὰ πέδιλα. (Iliad 14. 169-186)

She went in there,
then closed the shining doors. First, with ambrosia   
she washed from her lovely body all the stains,
then rubbed her skin with fragrant oil, divinely sweet,
made specially for her. If this perfume were merely stirred
inside Zeus’ bronze-floored house, its scent would then diffuse
throughout heaven and earth. She used this perfume 
all over her fair body, then arranged her hair.
With her own hands she combed her shining locks in braids,
a stunning style for an immortal goddess.
Then she wrapped around herself a heavenly robe,
which Athena made for her from silky fabric,
adorning it with gorgeous embroidery.
She pinned the robe around her breast with golden brooches.
On her waist she put a belt with a hundred tassels.
Hera then fixed earrings in her pierced ear lobes,
each with three gemstones, an enchanting glitter.  
Next the queen of goddesses placed on her head
a fine new dazzling shawl, white as the sun.
She then slipped lovely sandals over her sleek feet.

  • Aἰγοφάγος (Aigophagos) – “goat-eating” or “goat-eater”
  • Ἀκραῖα (Akraia) – “of the heights” or “dwelling on the heights”
  • Βουναία (Bounaia) – “of the mound” or “hill”
  • Βοώπις (Baopis) – “having large, full eyes”, generally this is listed as ox-eyed, or cow-eyed
  • Γαμηλια (Gamelia) – this is a title of Hera indicating her as patroness of marriage rites
  • Ζωογόνος Θεά (Zoagonos Thea) – “life-bringing” goddess commonly listed as meaning “vivific goddess”
  • Ἡνιοχη (Heniokhe) – “the one who holds the reins”, “chariot driving”, commonly listed as “of the chariot”
  • Λευκώλενος (Leukolenos) – “white-armed”
  • Μεγαλοσθενέος (Megalostheneos) – “exceeding strong” or “of great strength”
  • Νυμφευομενη (Nympheoamene) – “to lead the bride”
  • Πότνια (Potnia) – “mistress” or “queen”, an honorific title
  • Παγκρατής (Pagkrates) – “all powerful”, “all mighty”
  • Πορφυρόζωνος (Porphyrozonos) – “with purple girdle”
  • Παρθενίαν (Parthenian) – “of maidenhood”, “virgin”
  • Χήρη (Khere) – “widowed”, “bereaved”
  • Χρυσόθρονος (Khrusothronos) – “golden throned”

奇美博物館Hera 的雕像


Hera and Prometheus, tondo of a 5th-century plate from Vulci, Etruria

