2014年11月2日 星期日

Odyssey 12. 1-126

主題: 和大自然爭?
第十二卷,Odysseus一行人離開陰間,奮力划船,總算逃出Oceanus,一路大家也累了,睡著了。黎明,他們再次回到 Circe的住處,他們夥伴Elpenor意外身亡,他們要回去安葬他的屍骨,為他舉辦葬禮。這兒是火葬,遺體和盔甲一起焚化,之後堆墳丘,立墓碑,在墳頭的尖頂插上一把船槳 (Odyssey 12. 8-15)
   之後,Circe招待他們用餐與喝酒,直到夜晚,大家先睡,明日一早又要出航,尋找回家之路。Circe則和Odysseus深談,告訴他回家路上還會遇見的險境,如SirensScylla, Charybids等等。Circe還教Odysseus如何逃離一些險境。
ὣς ἐφάμην, ἡ δ᾽ αὐτίκ᾽ ἀμείβετο δῖα θεάων:
‘σχέτλιε, καὶ δὴ αὖ τοι πολεμήια ἔργα μέμηλε
καὶ πόνος: οὐδὲ θεοῖσιν ὑπείξεαι ἀθανάτοισιν;
ἡ δέ τοι οὐ θνητή, ἀλλ᾽ ἀθάνατον κακόν ἐστι,
δεινόν τ᾽ ἀργαλέον τε καὶ ἄγριον οὐδὲ μαχητόν:
οὐδέ τις ἔστ᾽ ἀλκή: φυγέειν κάρτιστον ἀπ᾽ αὐτῆς.
ἢν γὰρ δηθύνῃσθα κορυσσόμενος παρὰ πέτρῃ,
δείδω, μή σ᾽ ἐξαῦτις ἐφορμηθεῖσα κίχῃσι
τόσσῃσιν κεφαλῇσι, τόσους δ᾽ ἐκ φῶτας ἕληται.
ἀλλὰ μάλα σφοδρῶς ἐλάαν, βωστρεῖν δὲ Κράταιιν,
μητέρα τῆς Σκύλλης, ἥ μιν τέκε πῆμα βροτοῖσιν:
ἥ μιν ἔπειτ᾽ ἀποπαύσει ἐς ὕστερον ὁρμηθῆναι. (Odyssey 12. 115-126)

“I spoke. The lovely goddess then replied:
 ‘You reckless man, you think you’re dealing here
with acts of war or work? Why won’t you yield
to the immortal gods? She’s not human,
but a destroyer who will never die—
fearful, difficult, and fierce—not someone  
you can fight. There’s no defence against her.
The bravest thing to do is run away.
If you linger by the cliff to arm yourself,
I fear she’ll jump out once more, attack you
with all her heads and snatch away six men,
just as before. Row on quickly past her,
as hard as you can go. Send out a call
to Crataiis, her mother, who bore her
to menace human beings. She’ll restrain her—
Scylla’s heads won’t lash out at you again. 

下面圖片與資料來源: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Odysseus-Sirens.jpg

下面圖片與資料來源: http://odyssey.weebly.com/scylla-and-charybdis.html
Charybdis will blow you away with her WHIRPOOL relaxation treatment. Scylla will help you remove any DEAD weight, six men's worth. You'll just die for their wonderful relaxation and fitness treatments.

下面圖片與資料來源: https://semeng1-5th.wikispaces.com/Odyssey+12

