2013年9月8日 星期日

我讀湖濱散記 (2): 台大‧秋風起

我讀湖濱散記 (2)

: 台大

: 天堂鳥
ET Bear 植物語: 接觸美好的事物, 就是身處天堂。

       九月五日傍晚,出走半小時,為了尋找自由,為了轉化心境,為了新的開始,一點點心願,象耳榕的大耳朵全聽了進去。大葉子風中翻飛,象耳天空奇航,來自四面八方的有線或無線聲波,一滴一點全都錄,這榕樹接收器的容量,遠遠超過1T,無限暢聽,道地「吃到飽」套餐。沉默的聆聽,卻也結實纍纍,端詳那大大的耳屎,是果實喔! 來吧,聽,聽,聽,靜觀世界,無限,悠遊自在。

: 象耳榕
ET Bear 植物語: 大耳朵,聆聽世界。

在湖畔,並不太想翻開書,倒是一回到家,又沉浸在《湖濱散記》,好喜歡梭羅享受生活的積極態度---- that my life itself was become my amusement and never ceased to be novel----日常點滴的愉悅,時時刻刻探究新的視角(a fresh prospect every hour),做家事,變成最快樂的休閒。雖然身居繁華之地,我喜歡宅在家,讀書,走路,做家事,看植物,照顧植物,這般宅生活是喜樂的泉源,生命的動力。

I had this advantage, at least, in my mode of life, over those who were obliged to look abroad for amusement, to society and the theatre, that my life itself was become my amusement and never ceased to be novel. It was a drama of many scenes and without an end. If we were always, indeed, getting our living, and regulating our lives according to the last and best mode we had learned, we should never be troubled with ennui. Follow your genius closely enough, and it will not fail to show you a fresh prospect every hour. Housework was a pleasant pastime. When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white; and by the time the villagers had broken their fast the morning sun had dried my house sufficiently to allow me to move in again, and my meditations were almost uninterrupted. It was pleasant to see my whole household effects out on the grass, making a little pile like a gypsy's pack, and my three-legged table, from which I did not remove the books and pen and ink, standing amid the pines and hickories. They seemed glad to get out themselves, and as if unwilling to be brought in. I was sometimes tempted to stretch an awning over them and take my seat there. It was worth the while to see the sun shine on these things, and hear the free wind blow on them; so much more interesting most familiar objects look out of doors than in the house. A bird sits on the next bough, life-everlasting grows under the table, and blackberry vines run round its legs; pine cones, chestnut burs, and strawberry leaves are strewn about. It looked as if this was the way these forms came to be transferred to our furniture, to tables, chairs, and bedsteadsbecause they once stood in their midst.

Hickory 山核桃

          開始老花了,買東西設備都考慮字要大,螢幕要大,越清楚越好。喜歡看花,特別是看一堆照片,真是越看越花。因為一定年紀,願意服老服輸,承認每一年齡與階段都自有限制,才可以戰勝內心的恐懼與焦慮,淡然一笑,往前走呦! 但我從不棄械投降,一息尚存,必有每一口氣的神聖使命,寫作,一格一格爬,一字一字堆;雖跑不動,我慢走;雖無才華橫溢,我實實在在享受上天給我的那一部分。湖邊的小碎步,一步一腳印,湖畔之旅,回歸原始,回歸簡單,平凡,時時刻刻的喜悅。

學名:Syzygium buxifolium Hook. et Arn.
俗名:山烏珠,小號犁頭樹,Boxleaf Eugenia
ET Bear 植物語: 老人看花, 越看越花。服老服輸,淡然一笑。

買了一隻智慧平板手機,玩弄幾天,雖沒沉溺當中,也險些變成低頭族。科技,確實改變世界,改變我們獲知新聞的速度,在梭羅的年代,幾公里外發生的事,也要一兩天後的報紙刊登後才知道,現在網路世代,全球消息快速傳播。但是,這讓人類陷入兩個危機 (至少兩個),第一,錯誤資訊飛得更快;第二,周邊「實體」反而虛擬化。梭羅的道理也淺顯----- What news! how much more important to know what that is which was never old!------與其追新,不如把握亙古不變的基本道理!梭羅這段文字的趣味在最後終結,牧師雷霆一般咆嘯-----"Pause! Avast! Why so seeming fast, but deadly slow?"----avast,不是現在常用的防毒軟體,「1680s, a nautical interjection, "hold! stop!" probably worn down from Dutch houd vast "hold fast."」我們是不是也是這樣,看起來科技日新月異,看起來手機滑得好快,但是,一群低頭族真的是"deadly slow"! 出現我眼前的是許多媽媽,竭力嘶吼「不要再玩手機了!

What news! how much more important to know what that is which was never old! "Kieou-he-yu (great dignitary of the state of Wei) sent a man to Khoung-tseu to know his news. Khoung-tseu caused the messenger to be seated near him, and questioned him in these terms: What is your master doing? The messenger answered with respect: My master desires to diminish the number of his faults, but he cannot come to the end of them. The messenger being gone, the philosopher remarked: What a worthy messenger! What a worthy messenger!" The preacher, instead of vexing the ears of drowsy farmers on their day of rest at the end of the week—for Sunday is the fit conclusion of an ill-spent week, and not the fresh and brave beginning of a new one—with this one other draggle-tail of a sermon, should shout with thundering voice, "Pause! Avast! Why so seeming fast, but deadly slow?" 
Thoreau, " Where I Lived, and What I Lived For." Walden

說明: 論語‧憲問》

: 台灣五葉松


