2014年5月17日 星期六

Odyssey 17. 462-606 眾神的化身

日期: 2014516
Odyssey 17. 462-504
Ἀντίνο᾽, οὐ μὲν κάλ᾽ ἔβαλες δύστηνον ἀλήτην,
οὐλόμεν᾽, εἰ δή πού τις ἐπουράνιος θεός ἐστιν.
καί τε θεοὶ ξείνοισιν ἐοικότες ἀλλοδαποῖσι,
παντοῖοι τελέθοντες, ἐπιστρωφῶσι πόληας,
ἀνθρώπων ὕβριν τε καὶ εὐνομίην ἐφορῶντες.  (Odyssey 483-487)

Antinous, it was wrong of you to hit
a wretched vagrant. And you may be doomed,
if somehow he’s a god come down from heaven. 
For, in fact, gods make themselves appear
like foreign strangers, assuming many shapes
and haunting cities, to investigate
men’s pride and their obedience to the laws. (Odyssey 483-487)

說穿了,這些追求者在Odysseus家中白吃白喝,和乞丐又有甚麼不同? 態度傲慢,又沒說故事交換主人的招待,其實比乞丐還不如。Antinous畢竟修養不好,又自知理虧,一下子就惱羞成怒,拿椅子砸打Odysseus,打他的右肩。Odysseus臨危不亂,穩穩站住,也沒有還手,然後拿起自己的破包包走到門那吃東西,還不忘祈求Antinous結婚之前就被死神接走。

   不管如何,動手打人就是錯,Antinous的行為引起公憤,除了Penelope和奶媽Eurynome都出來指責並祈禱Antinous受到懲罰,連追求這當中都有一年輕人出來指責Antinous,這段文字(Odyssey 483-487)表達古希臘人一個基本的觀念,眾神常常化裝成各種樣子,隱藏在人當中,觀察人的道德行徑,特別是揪出人是不是過度驕傲(ὕβριν)所以神常常扮演陌生人 (ξείνοισιν ἐοικότες),或是說,每個我們預見的陌生人,可能都是神的化身,這是為什麼古希臘各地實踐「待客之道」習俗,也建立人與人之間互相尊重的最單純、最樸實的關聯。

日期: 2014517
Odyssey 17. 505-606
ἔρχεό μοι, τὸν ξεῖνον ἐναντίον ὧδε κάλεσσον.
οὐχ ὁράᾳς ὅ μοι υἱὸς ἐπέπταρε πᾶσιν ἔπεσσι;
τῷ κε καὶ οὐκ ἀτελὴς θάνατος μνηστῆρσι γένοιτο
πᾶσι μάλ᾽, οὐδέ κέ τις θάνατον καὶ κῆρας ἀλύξει.
ἄλλο δέ τοι ἐρέω, σὺ δ᾽ ἐνὶ φρεσὶ βάλλεο σῇσιν:
αἴ κ᾽ αὐτὸν γνώω νημερτέα πάντ᾽ ἐνέποντα,
ἕσσω μιν χλαῖνάν τε χιτῶνά τε, εἵματα καλά. (Odyssey 544-550)

Go call the stranger.
Bring him here in front of me. Did you not see
my son sneezing at everything I said?
So the complete destruction of the suitors
will not go unfulfilled—for all of them—
not one will escape his fatal destiny.
I’ll tell you something else. Lay it to heart.
If I see he tells me the entire truth,
I’ll dress him in fine clothes, cloak and tunic. (Odyssey 544-550)



Penelope, as merely a woman, endures the suitors and their ransacking her royal stores. Is there not, however, something in her endurance that is rather an allowance, a test of the authenticity of Odysseus’s return? This test is not issued by a woman, but by a goddess, a fate—his fate. In one of their countless possible interpretations, the suitors are Odysseus’s own lesser values, aversions, assumptions, and habits of soul that would keep him from being proven as her rightful spouse.



