2014年7月11日 星期五

Bk XXI:80-135 Telemachus sets up the axes

ὣς φάτο, καί ῥ᾽ Εὔμαιον ἀνώγει, δῖον ὑφορβόν,
τόξον μνηστήρεσσι θέμεν πολιόν τε σίδηρον.
δακρύσας δ᾽ Εὔμαιος ἐδέξατο καὶ κατέθηκε:
κλαῖε δὲ βουκόλος ἄλλοθ᾽, ἐπεὶ ἴδε τόξον ἄνακτος.
      (Odyssey 21. 80-83)

When she’d said this,
she then told Eumaeus, the loyal swineherd,
to set the bow and gray iron axes for the suitors.
With tears in his eyes, Eumaeus picked them up
and laid them out. Philoetius, the goatherd,
was weeping, too, in another spot, once he saw
his master’s bow.
Odysseus的彎弓一亮相,就有兩個忠實的僕人流淚,豬倌Eumaeus和牧牛奴Philoetius 兩個大男人,這樣就哭? 有人笑他們傻,Antinous還說這兩位是大笨蛋(foolish bumpkinsνήπιοι ἀγροιῶταιOdyssey 21.86),我倒覺得史詩裡的人哭笑都很直接,就像小孩子一樣。

   這比賽很關鍵,必須一箭穿心,正確的書說法是,要穿過十二個心。雖然Antinous假裝謙虛一下,但內心真的很想順利安弦,然後一件穿越12座鐵斧。但,很難喔! 下面的圖示,可以幫助我們想像這比賽的難度:

Odyssey 21. 118-135描寫Telemachus是安弦四次都失敗,他的動作約略整理如下:

然後安弦,用力拉弓,Telemachus試了四次都失敗,他比他的父親還遜色? 還是故意裝的?
ὢ πόποι, ἦ καὶ ἔπειτα κακός τ᾽ ἔσομαι καὶ ἄκικυς,
ἠὲ νεώτερός εἰμι καὶ οὔ πω χερσὶ πέποιθα
ἄνδρ᾽ ἀπαμύνασθαι, ὅτε τις πρότερος χαλεπήνῃ.
ἀλλ᾽ ἄγεθ᾽, οἵ περ ἐμεῖο βίῃ προφερέστεροί ἐστε,
τόξου πειρήσασθε, καὶ ἐκτελέωμεν ἄεθλον.
      (Odyssey 21. 131-135)

Well, I suppose I’ll remain a coward,
a weak man, too, in future days, or else
I’m still too young and cannot yet rely
on my own strength to guard me from a man  
who gets angry with me first. But come now,
you men who are more powerful than me,
test this bow. Let’s end this competition.”

