2015年4月11日 星期六

早期的報紙資料庫 (1) Welsh Newspapers Online

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Aberdare Times 12 August 1893

THE SUPPOSED SITE OF ANCIENT TROY. A Sona correepondent of the Times writes: The excavations undertaken by Dr. Dorpfeld, the director of the German Archaeological School at Athens, at Hissarlik, the supposed site of ancient Troy, have been attended by very satisfactory results. According to the theory of the late Dr. Schliemann, six super- imposed cities lie buried beneath the artificial mound at that place, the so-called second city being identical with the Homeric Troy. The recent researches, however, lead to the conclusion that what is known as the sixth city should be identified with the city described by the poet. Not only have specimens of pottery been discovered exactly resembling and appa- rently synchronous with those found at Mycenas, but courses of beautifully fitted masonry have been laid bare whieh seem entirely to justify the epithets employed by Homer. Additional evidence is fur- nished by the grey- coloured pottery found in adjacent tumuli. The excavations have been carried out at the expense of Dr. Schliemann's widow.

