2018年2月6日 星期二

20180206 Iliad 24. 457-461

δή ῥα τόθ᾽ Ἑρμείας ἐριούνιος ᾦξε γέροντι,
ἐς δ᾽ ἄγαγε κλυτὰ δῶρα ποδώκεϊ Πηλεΐωνι,
ἐξ ἵππων δ᾽ ἀπέβαινεν ἐπὶ χθόνα φώνησέν τε:
“ὦ γέρον ἤτοι ἐγὼ θεὸς ἄμβροτος εἰλήλουθα
Ἑρμείας: σοὶ γάρ με πατὴρ ἅμα πομπὸν ὄπασσεν….”

Then the helper Hermes opened the door for the old man, and brought in the glorious gifts for the swift-footed son of Peleus; and from the chariot he stepped down to the ground and spoke, saying, “Old Sir, I who have come to you an immortal god, Hermes; for my father sent me to guide you on your way…”

    Hermes扮演的腳色就是: ἐριούνιος,是幫助者、幸運使者,也就是「小天使」。在我們困頓之際,身邊常常出現這樣的「小天使」或是「貴人」相助,也就是來自上蒼一種神聖不朽(ἄμβροτος immortal, divine)之力量,藉由不同型式出現,史詩的描述用具體的人物表達此「小天使」,簡單卻貼切。

2018年2月5日 星期一

20180201 Iliad 24. 411-421

ὦ τέκος, ἦ ῥ᾽ ἀγαθὸν καὶ ἐναίσιμα δῶρα διδοῦναι
ἀθανάτοις, ἐπεὶ οὔ ποτ᾽ ἐμὸς πάϊς, εἴ ποτ᾽ ἔην γε,
λήθετ᾽ ἐνὶ μεγάροισι θεῶν οἳ Ὄλυμπον ἔχουσι:
τώ οἱ ἀπεμνήσαντο καὶ ἐν θανάτοιό περ αἴσῃ.

My Child, a good thing truly is it to give to the immortals such as are due them; far never did my son—if ever in fact he was—forget in our halls the gods hold Olympus; so they have rememnbered this for him, even though he is in the doom of death.




VERY HUMAN ARM: Priam kissing the hand that killed his son in Joseph Wencker's "Priam at the Feet of Achilles," which can be seen at the Princeton Art Museum's current exhibition, "The Legacy of Homer: Four Centuries of Art from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris." Presented in collaboration with the Dahesh Museum of Art in New York City, the show will run through January 15, 2006. It was organized by École curator Emmanuel Schwartz and coordinated at Princeton by Betsy Rosasco, research curator of later Western art.

2018年2月3日 星期六

20180130 Iliad 24. 411-421

20180130  Iliad 24. 411-421

 ‘ὦ γέρον οὔ πω τόν γε κύνες φάγον οὐδ᾽ οἰωνοί,
ἀλλ᾽ ἔτι κεῖνος κεῖται Ἀχιλλῆος παρὰ νηῒ
αὔτως ἐν κλισίῃσι: δυωδεκάτη δέ οἱ ἠὼς
κειμένῳ, οὐδέ τί οἱ χρὼς σήπεται, οὐδέ μιν εὐλαὶ
ἔσθουσ᾽, αἵ ῥά τε φῶτας ἀρηϊφάτους κατέδουσιν.
ἦ μέν μιν περὶ σῆμα ἑοῦ ἑτάροιο φίλοιο
ἕλκει ἀκηδέστως ἠὼς ὅτε δῖα φανήῃ,
οὐδέ μιν αἰσχύνει: θηοῖό κεν αὐτὸς ἐπελθὼν
οἷον ἐερσήεις κεῖται, περὶ δ᾽ αἷμα νένιπται,
οὐδέ ποθι μιαρός: σὺν δ᾽ ἕλκεα πάντα μέμυκεν
ὅσσ᾽ ἐτύπη: πολέες γὰρ ἐν αὐτῷ χαλκὸν ἔλασσαν.
Old sir, not yet have dogs and birds devoured him, but he still lies there beside the ship of Achilles among the huts as he was at the first; and this is now the twelfth day that he lies there, yet his flesh decays not at all, nor do worms coonsume it, such as feed on men slain in battle. To be sure Achilles drags him ruthlessly about the mound of his dear comrades, but he mars him not; you would yoursled marvel, were you to come and see how dew-fresh he lies, and is washed clean of blood, not is he anywhere stained; and all the wounds are closed with which he was struck, for many there were who drove the bronze into his flesh.

老人家問眼前的這位帥哥其實是Hermes假扮的唯一的問題,也是他此刻出現在敵營的目的: Hector的屍體狀況。Hermes既然是神,地上發生的事都倆若指掌,提供十分完善資訊:


這是神蹟? 還是因為當時天氣狀況,屍體歷經12天都不會發臭或腐爛? 還是古代有特殊方法保存屍體?

Hector brought back to Troy, from a Roman sarcophagus of c. 180–200 AD