2014年10月25日 星期六

Odyssey 11. 553-565 氣到死?

主題: 氣到死?
Ajax 出場了(Odyssey 11. 553-565),仍然忿忿不平,因為,當初希臘第一英雄是Achilles,第二是Ajax,當Achilles死後,Ajax認為自己可以繼承Achilles的戰袍,繼承他的位子。可惜,他和Odysseus演講比賽,輸了,不甘心,生氣,甚至瘋了,跳海自殺,沒想到,氣到死,到了陰間還是生氣,那口氣真的很難嚥下吧?


下面圖片與資料出處: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achilles
Ajax carries off the body of Achilles: Attic black-figure lekythos, ca. 510 BC, from Sicily (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)

Ovid 加一點故事,Ajax死後,有花從他流出的血中冒出,上面有ai,他名字的縮寫,這花就是
  1. 飛燕草 Delphinium ajacis

Death of Aias. Aias (or Ajax) was a Greek hero of the Trojan war. After the armour of Akhilleus was awarded to Odysseus he went mad and threw himself upon his own sword. The larkspur flower sprang from his blood, its petals inscribed with the "ai" of his name. (Source: Ovid)

