2014年4月20日 星期日

Odyssey 15. 182-225

有必要這麼趕嗎?急躁不是現代文明病,古希臘很多英雄豪傑都是急驚風,Achilles, Heracles, Oedipus...等等,都是行動派,但也因為操之過急,造成不少無法挽回的錯誤。


心急的Telemachus,總算離開斯巴達,出發,整天趕路,到了Pherae,天色已暗, 他們再次投宿一晚,照規矩,國王款待早餐後,他們出發繼續趕行程。

到了Pylos,就是已經看到Nestor的高坡上宮殿,也就是同行夥伴Peisistratus的家。只是,Telemachus很想省一晚,快點回家。委婉請求Peisistratus,讓他的船繞過,不要轉進他家。Telemachus真的歸心似箭,只是,這樣做對嗎? 是不是辜負Nestor對他的照顧?還有,他的父親Odysseus的冷靜應變,Telemachus似乎沒遺傳到這種個性。

Νεστορίδη, πῶς κέν μοι ὑποσχόμενος τελέσειας
μῦθον ἐμόν; ξεῖνοι δὲ διαμπερὲς εὐχόμεθ᾽ εἶναι
ἐκ πατέρων φιλότητος, ἀτὰρ καὶ ὁμήλικές εἰμεν:
ἥδε δ᾽ ὁδὸς καὶ μᾶλλον ὁμοφροσύνῃσιν ἐνήσει.
μή με παρὲξ ἄγε νῆα, διοτρεφές, ἀλλὰ λίπ᾽ αὐτοῦ,
μή μ᾽ ὁ γέρων ἀέκοντα κατάσχῃ ᾧ ἐνὶ οἴκῳ
ἱέμενος φιλέειν: ἐμὲ δὲ χρεὼ θᾶσσον ἱκέσθαι.  (Odyssey 15.195-201)

will you promise to do something for me,
and see it through just as I tell you?
We can claim that we've always been friends,
because our fathers were good friends, as well,
and we are the same age.  This trip of ours
will make our hearts united even more.
So, child of Zeus, don't take me past my ship
but leave me there, in case old man Nestor
keeps me in his house against my will,
wishing to show me hospitality,
when I must now get home with all due speed." (Odyssey 15.195-201)

雖然Telemachus很急,但說故事的詩人可不能馬虎,一點也不急,還要加入一橋段。正當Telemachus懇求雅典娜協助早日返鄉,有一人突然竄出,詩人,就開始介紹這人的故事 (Odyssey 15. 222-255)。


The Hyperian Fountain at Pherae, Edward Dodwell.
Pherae (Greek: Φεραί) was an ancient Greek town in southeastern Thessaly. It bordered Lake Boebeïs. In mythology, it was the home of King Admetus, whose wife, Alcestis, Heracles went into Hades to rescue. In history, it was more famous as the home of the fourth-century B.C. tyrants Jason and Alexander of Pherae, who took control of much of Thessaly before their defeat by the Thebans. Also the home of Diocles, where Telemachus, son of Odysseus, and Peisistratus, son of Nestor, rested on their way from Pylos to visit king Menelaus in Lacedaemon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pherae

@ET Bear 南天竹花語: 

