2014年5月31日 星期六

Odyssey 19. 53-99 Penelope的象牙椅

Odyssey 19. 53-99
Penelope prepares to question the Stranger
ἡ δ᾽ ἴεν ἐκ θαλάμοιο περίφρων Πηνελόπεια,
Ἀρτέμιδι ἰκέλη ἠὲ χρυσέῃ Ἀφροδίτῃ.
τῇ παρὰ μὲν κλισίην πυρὶ κάτθεσαν, ἔνθ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἐφῖζε,
δινωτὴν ἐλέφαντι καὶ ἀργύρῳ: ἥν ποτε τέκτων
ποίησ᾽ Ἰκμάλιος, καὶ ὑπὸ θρῆνυν ποσὶν ἧκε
προσφυέ᾽ ἐξ αὐτῆς, ὅθ᾽ ἐπὶ μέγα βάλλετο κῶας.
ἔνθα καθέζετ᾽ ἔπειτα περίφρων Πηνελόπεια.
ἦλθον δὲ δμῳαὶ λευκώλενοι ἐκ μεγάροιο.
αἱ δ᾽ ἀπὸ μὲν σῖτον πολὺν ᾕρεον ἠδὲ τραπέζας
καὶ δέπα, ἔνθεν ἄρ᾽ ἄνδρες ὑπερμενέοντες ἔπινον:
πῦρ δ᾽ ἀπὸ λαμπτήρων χαμάδις βάλον, ἄλλα δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν
νήησαν ξύλα πολλά, φόως ἔμεν ἠδὲ θέρεσθαι.  (Odyssey 19. 53-64)

Then wise Penelope emerged out of her room,
looking like Artemis or golden Aphrodite.
Beside the fire where she used to sit, they placed
a chair for her, inlaid with ivory and silver.
Imalcius (Icmalius), a craftsman, had made it years ago.  
He’d fixed a footstool underneath, part of the chair,
on which they usually threw a large sheep fleece.
Here wise Penelope sat, while white-armed servants
came from the women’s hall and started to remove
the lavish amounts of food, the tables, and the cups
high-spirited suitors had been drinking from.
The embers in the braziers they threw on the floor,
then filled them up with plenty of fresh wood
for warmth and light.

Penelope再次出場,她想利用夜深人靜時,向這位「陌生人」詢問丈夫Odysseus的下落。和Odyssey 17. 36-37一樣,Penelope的描述是如Artemis,又像Aphrodite。她坐在火驢旁一張象牙與銀打造的椅子,而且史詩還提到這是有名的工匠Icmalius (Ἰκμάλιος)所打造的。這名字中有ἴκμη,是橡樹等植物中汁,可以做為黏象牙的膠水,也表示當時已具有製作家具等相關技藝。腳下還有腳凳,椅子上再鋪羊毛。

θρῆνυς footstool

κῶας fleece

這一幕,十八世紀的畫家Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein畫了一幅有名的畫 Ulysses and Penelope,參考下面這幾張圖,有些差異:

圖片資料來源: http://www.myartprints.co.uk/a/tischbein-joh-heinrich-wi/ulysses-and-penelope.html

圖片資料來源: http://louisecharente.wordpress.com/2013/05/20/the-odyssey-books-seventeen-to-twenty-four/  ODYSSEUS AND PENELOPE;COMMONS.WIKIMEDIA.ORG


一群女僕開始收拾與整理那群追求者留下的狼藉杯盤,這時女僕Melantho進來大廳,大罵還在此逗留的老乞丐,殊不知這位老兄可是她家的主人OdysseusMelantho 伶牙俐齒:


‘ξεῖν᾽, ἔτι καὶ νῦν ἐνθάδ᾽ ἀνιήσεις διὰ νύκτα

δινεύων κατὰ οἶκον, ὀπιπεύσεις δὲ γυναῖκας; (Odyssey 19. 66-67)

Stranger, are you still going to pester us
even now, all through the night in here,
roaming around the house, spying on women?

ἀνιάω grieve, distress,

這位女僕顯然嫌這位登門乞討的老人,第70-88行,Odysseus也來個機會教育,馬上教訓這位高傲的女僕。Odysseus開口稱呼這女僕δαιμονίη,雖然王煥生的翻譯,「你這惡婦」,但是希臘文δαιμονίη,神聖的女子 (god-like woman),也許是反諷的口氣,但再一次說明隱藏的觀點,每一張臉,每一個生命,即使是高傲可惡的人,都仍是神聖的,這是平等的倫理美學,不輕視任何人。在 Odysseus的訓話裏頭,也是說明不應該因為一個乞丐衣著破爛,就歧視他。古希臘的傳統給乞丐、流浪的吟唱詩人、流亡的人留餘地,給他們一些溫飽的食物與衣服,這是待客之道。

Penelope罵一頓這個不懂待客之道的女僕,並說明她還要請問眼前作客的異鄉人,打聽主人Odysseus的消息,旋即,請女管家Eurynome端一張椅子,鋪層羊毛,請這位客人上座,她要請教客人問題了。這裡說的椅子是δίφρος chariot-board, a seat, chair, stool。應該和Penelope坐的象牙椅子不同,但是也表示Penelope非常尊敬這位衣衫襤褸卻彬彬有禮的異鄉人。

Odyssey 19 開場

Odyssey 19
Odysseus with Penelope and Eurycleia

A Roman wall-painting from the first century ce, showing Penelope contemplating the stranger and pondering, while Eurycleia looks on from the doorway (upper left). Penelope's pose here is similar to that on the fragmentary terracotta relief of the footwashing shown above.

Odyssey 19. 1-52
Odysseus and Telemachus hide the weapons

ὦ πάτερ, ἦ μέγα θαῦμα τόδ᾽ ὀφθαλμοῖσιν ὁρῶμαι.
ἔμπης μοι τοῖχοι μεγάρων καλαί τε μεσόδμαι,
εἰλάτιναί τε δοκοί, καὶ κίονες ὑψόσ᾽ ἔχοντες
φαίνοντ᾽ ὀφθαλμοῖς ὡς εἰ πυρὸς αἰθομένοιο.
ἦ μάλα τις θεὸς ἔνδον, οἳ οὐρανὸν εὐρὺν ἔχουσι.’

τὸν δ᾽ ἀπαμειβόμενος προσέφη πολύμητις Ὀδυσσεύς:
‘σίγα καὶ κατὰ σὸν νόον ἴσχανε μηδ᾽ ἐρέεινε:
αὕτη τοι δίκη ἐστὶ θεῶν, οἳ Ὄλυμπον ἔχουσιν.
ἀλλὰ σὺ μὲν κατάλεξαι, ἐγὼ δ᾽ ὑπολείψομαι αὐτοῦ,
ὄφρα κ᾽ ἔτι δμῳὰς καὶ μητέρα σὴν ἐρεθίζω:
ἡ δέ μ᾽ ὀδυρομένη εἰρήσεται ἀμφὶς ἕκαστα.  (Odyssey 19. 36-46)

Father, what my eyes are witnessing
is an enormous wonder. In this room
the walls and beautiful pedestals,
the fir beams and high supporting pillars
are glowing in my eyes, as if lit up    
by blazing fire. Some god must be inside,
one of those who hold wide heaven.”  
Resourceful Odysseus
then answered him and said:    “Keep quiet.
Check those ideas and ask no questions.
This is how gods who hold Olympus work.
You should go and get some rest. I’ll stay here,
so I can agitate the servants even more—
and your mother. As she laments, she’ll ask
for each and every detail.”



Odysseus吩咐Telemachus,這一段和Odyssey 16. 281-98重複。學者提到,這房子可能像Yugoslav House,天花板留一口,但沒有煙囪,所以室內東西很容易被煙燻黑。


Eurycleia很高興眼前的小主人長到了,會關心家裡的事,並且主動提出保護家業 (think about

caring for this house, guarding all its wealth... Odyssey 19. 22-23)。但是,Eurycleia問到需不需要留一人幫忙點燈?

‘ξεῖνος ὅδ᾽: οὐ γὰρ ἀεργὸν ἀνέξομαι ὅς κεν ἐμῆς γε
χοίνικος ἅπτηται, καὶ τηλόθεν εἰληλουθώς. (Odyssey 19.27-28)

“This stranger will.
I won’t let anyone who’s touched my food
rest idle, not even if he’s come here
from somewhere far away.” (Odyssey 19.27-28)


Telemachus說,吃過他的食物(χοῖνιξ),就不能閒著。χοῖνιξ, choenix, a dry measure, esp. for corn, Hdt.1.192, etc.; the choenix of corn was one man's daily allowance,每日的乾糧。這個說法,也說明「待客之道」(hospitality),客人回報主人的基本禮儀。

大廳就剩父子二人,點著金火炬 (golden lamp),齊心搬走所有盾、槍、矛等武器。此刻,Telemachus在金碧輝煌的大廳,屋頂桁架,屋樑,和堂柱,似乎看見神的存在。這裡我想分享幾個看法: 第一,如果這些武器永遠藏住,不再使用,可以避免之後的血腥屠殺與沒完沒了的冤冤相報。一般文學史中,視Odysseus為西方文學中的一個「完人」(complete man, not perfect man),敢愛敢恨,Odysseus有很多過人之處,但也有他致命的缺點。我有另一種讀法,我覺得Odysseus有一些「陰柔」之美,但也有「陽剛」之氣。和史詩那些好戰的勇士不同,Odysseus常常以退為進,運用柔性的智慧解決很多問題,但是,他總是在最後一刻,還是動用他的「拳頭」,他的力氣,他的權力,然後,導致更多的毀滅與悲劇。如果,Odysseus甘於做Nobody,甘心用他的智慧,而不是「力」處理他面對的問題,他的奇幻之旅就不會是一串串屠殺與死亡。另外,回到Ithaca,這群追求者固然令人討厭,但是有必要用弓箭把他們一一射死嗎? 史詩並沒有高頌這種用武力解決問題的模式,相反地,史詩一次又一次強調,Odysseus心中想的這種報復計畫是邪惡的(evil),會種下更多毀滅的種子。

第二,這裡描述在美好的大廳堂 (μεγάρων καλαί)中看見神性的光輝,一些學者提到這意味Athena真得在場,我看到的是這個家庭中的美好,當那群異類分子離去,當所有武器挪開,當父子安安靜靜相聚,瞬間,這空間的莊嚴與肅穆,溫馨與明亮,就是一種不可取代的神聖。

這裡的屋樑用的是fir,並非王煥生譯本中提到的松木。可能是Grecian Fir,希臘冷杉,ἐλάτη,Abies cephalonica。

τοῖχος wall of a house

μέγαρον large room, hall

μεσόδμη tie-beam

ἐλάτινος of the fir


  圖片資料: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/image?img=Perseus:image:1998.01.0134  Relief with Eurykleia, Odysseus, and Penelope; From Svoronos 1903-12, pl. 134; Athens, NM 1914

2014年5月29日 星期四

Odyssey 18. 340-428 勞心勞力的奧德修斯

日期: 20145 30
Odyssey 18. 340-428
ἦ ῥ᾽, ἅμα τε προσέειπεν Ὀδυσσῆα πτολίπορθον:
‘ξεῖν᾽, ἦ ἄρ κ᾽ ἐθέλοις θητευέμεν, εἴ σ᾽ ἀνελοίμην,
ἀγροῦ ἐπ᾽ ἐσχατιῆς—μισθὸς δέ τοι ἄρκιος ἔσται—
αἱμασιάς τε λέγων καὶ δένδρεα μακρὰ φυτεύων;
ἔνθα κ᾽ ἐγὼ σῖτον μὲν ἐπηετανὸν παρέχοιμι,
εἵματα δ᾽ ἀμφιέσαιμι ποσίν θ᾽ ὑποδήματα δοίην.
ἀλλ᾽ ἐπεὶ οὖν δὴ ἔργα κάκ᾽ ἔμμαθες, οὐκ ἐθελήσεις
ἔργον ἐποίχεσθαι, ἀλλὰ πτώσσειν κατὰ δῆμον
βούλεαι, ὄφρ᾽ ἄν ἔχῃς βόσκειν σὴν γαστέρ᾽ ἄναλτον. (Odyssey 18. 356-364)

“Stranger, how’d you like to work?
What if I hired you for some distant farm—
I guarantee I’d pay you—gathering stones  
to build up walls and planting lofty trees?
I’d bring some food there for you all year round,     
clothe you, and get some sandals for your feet.
But since you’ve only learned to misbehave,
you won’t want to acquaint yourself with work.
No. You’d prefer to beg throughout the land,
collecting food for your voracious gut.”


此刻,Polybus的兒子Eurymachus開始嘲笑揶揄老乞丐Odysseus,雖然Odysseus常常被標示著「攻略城市的人」(sacker of the city,πτολίπορθον),但是,當人得意時就忘形,不會收斂與尊重周圍的人。Eurymachus還提出工作機會給老乞丐,工作內容是砌圍牆和種樹,待遇優渥,可以一年到頭衣食無缺,而且有鞋穿。想想,一個飢寒交迫的人在眼前,一個有錢人,不伸出援手,反而是開一些空頭支票,多麼可惡啊!


τετράγυος containing four
αὖλαξ furrow
διηνεκής continuous, unbroken,


2014年5月24日 星期六

Odyssey 18. 206-283 待客之道與求婚之禮數

日期: 20145 24
Odyssey 18. 206-283

Τηλέμαχ᾽, οὐκέτι τοι φρένες ἔμπεδοι οὐδὲ νόημα:
παῖς ἔτ᾽ ἐὼν καὶ μᾶλλον ἐνὶ φρεσὶ κέρδε᾽ ἐνώμας:
νῦν δ᾽, ὅτε δὴ μέγας ἐσσὶ καὶ ἥβης μέτρον ἱκάνεις,
καί κέν τις φαίη γόνον ἔμμεναι ὀλβίου ἀνδρός,
ἐς μέγεθος καὶ κάλλος ὁρώμενος, ἀλλότριος φώς,
οὐκέτι τοι φρένες εἰσὶν ἐναίσιμοι οὐδὲ νόημα.
οἷον δὴ τόδε ἔργον ἐνὶ μεγάροισιν ἐτύχθη,
ὃς τὸν ξεῖνον ἔασας ἀεικισθήμεναι οὕτως.
πῶς νῦν, εἴ τι ξεῖνος ἐν ἡμετέροισι δόμοισιν
ἥμενος ὧδε πάθοι ῥυστακτύος ἐξ ἀλεγεινῆς;
σοί κ᾽ αἶσχος λώβη τε μετ᾽ ἀνθρώποισι πέλοιτο.  (Odyssey 18. 215-225)

Telemachus, your wit and understanding
are not as steady as they used to be.
While still a child, the way you used to think
was more astute. But now you’re fully grown,
on the verge of being a man, and anyone
from somewhere far away who looked at you
and only saw your beauty and your size
might well observe that you’re a rich man’s son.
Yet your mind and thoughts are no longer wise. 
What sort of actions are going on in here,
in this house, when you allow a stranger
to be mistreated in this way? And now,
what if this stranger, sitting in our home,
should suffer harm from such severe abuse?
You’d be disgraced among all men and shamed.” (Odyssey 18. 215-225)

Penelope下樓,兩位侍女相隨,如仙女下凡,走到追求者中間;雖然Penelope繫著頭巾,罩住臉頰,但在場的追求者顯然都心動不已。然而,Penelope一開就是管教小孩,因為Telemachus這一天毛毛躁躁,失去昔日有的智慧與風度。Telemachus也快成年,英俊瀟灑,但應該持有大戶人家的氣質。這種大家風範是甚麼? 就是「待客之道」(hospitality),就是善待每一位來訪的客人,不可以讓任人陌生來客受到傷害,這非常的失禮。言下之意,就是指責剛剛兩個乞丐公然鬧事的事件。

ἀεικίζω treat unseemly, injure
ῥυστακτύος: drag about


母子談話之間,Eurymachus插嘴,說道明天還有更多人仰慕Penelope美貌,也要加入求婚者行列。但是Penelope 沒被甜言蜜語沖昏頭,她知道自己在等待的消磨中老去,而且悲傷催人老。
重要的時刻,Penelope即將宣布如何決定嫁給誰。首先,她已經把Telemachus扶養長大成人生鬍鬚 (γενειάω grow a beard, get a beard),所以她也進該盡的責任。但是,古希臘的求婚習俗,是要送肥壯的牛羊,宴請女方的親友,贈送珍貴的聘禮(ἀγλαὰ δῶρα διδοῦσι)。在一旁聽到此話的Odysseus竊喜,因為他知道Penelope向他們索取禮物,其實心中立有打算。他們究竟盤算甚麼?

維基百科列出Penelope的追求者名單: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suitors_of_Penelope
1.        Agelaus, son of Damastor. Was killed by Odysseus.[3]
2.        Amphimedon, son of Melaneus. Was killed by Telemachus.[4]
3.        Amphinomus. Shows courtesy towards the disguised Odysseus, who warns him against staying;[5] the warning goes unheeded, though, and he is killed along with the other suitors, though by Telemachus and not Odysseus.
4.        Antinous, son of Eupeithes. One of the leaders of the suitors, he helps instigate the plot to kill Telemachus as he returns from the mainland,[6] and helps spur the fight between Odysseus (as the beggar) and Irus, a notorious beggar.[7]
5.        Ctesippus of Same, son of Polytherses. A "ribald fellow" of great wealth who gives Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, a "present" by throwing a heifer's foot at him; Telemachus threatens him in response, and says that he would have killed him if he had not missed.[8] After killing him, the stockman says that his death is a present in return for the one he gave to Odysseus.[9]
6.        Demoptolemus, killed by Odysseus.[10]
7.        Elatus, killed by Eumaeus.[11]
8.        Euryades, killed by Telemachus.[12]
9.        Eurydamas. Offered a pair of earrings as a gift to Penelope.[13] Was eventually killed by Odysseus.[14]
10.    Eurymachus, son of Polybus. One of the leaders of the suitors, noted for being smooth and deceitful. He blames everything on Antinous after he is killed by Odysseus, saying that the suitors are sorry for what they have done and will repay Odysseus. His pleas do not persuade Odysseus, so he tells the suitors they will have to fight if they wish to live, and he is shot with an arrow while charging Odysseus.[15]
11.    Eurynomus, son of Aegyptius. His brother Antiphus accompanied Odysseus to the Trojan War and was devoured by Polyphemus on the way back.[16]
12.    Leiocritus, son of Evenor. Was killed by Telemachus.[17]
13.    Leiodes, son of Oenops. The sacrificial priest to the suitors, he hated the evil deeds of the suitors and was indignant with the others.[18] While Odysseus is killing the suitors, he begs for mercy, saying that he tried to stop the others and they were paying for not listening to him. Odysseus hears him out but says that as priest, he must have prayed for Odysseus to not come home, so he kills him anyway.[19]
14.    Peisander, son of Polyctor. Offered a necklace as a gift to Penelope.[20] Was killed by Philoeteus.[21]
15.    Polybus, son of Polyctor and father of Eurymachus.

2014年5月23日 星期五

Odyssey 18. 158-205 雅典娜出手相助

日期: 20145 23
Odyssey 18. 158-205

ἀχρεῖον δ᾽ ἐγέλασσεν ἔπος τ᾽ ἔφατ᾽ ἔκ τ᾽ ὀνόμαζεν:
‘Εὐρυνόμη, θυμός μοι ἐέλδεται, οὔ τι πάρος γε,
μνηστήρεσσι φανῆναι, ἀπεχθομένοισί περ ἔμπης:
παιδὶ δέ κεν εἴποιμι ἔπος, τό κε κέρδιον εἴη,
μὴ πάντα μνηστῆρσιν ὑπερφιάλοισιν ὁμιλεῖν,
οἵ τ᾽ εὖ μὲν βάζουσι, κακῶς δ᾽ ὄπιθεν φρονέουσι.
(Odyssey 18.163-168)

With an unnatural laugh she spoke out and said:
                    “Eurynome, though my heart
was never keen before to show myself  
to these suitors, it is so now, disgraceful
though they are. And I’ve got words to say
to my own son—it would be better for him
not to mingle with those arrogant suitors.
They may say nice things, but they’re making plans
for nasty schemes in future.” (Odyssey 18.163-168)

女主角Penelope又出場,在雅典娜相助下,Penelope莊重又美麗大方,在場的Odysseus, Telemachus,和眾追求者都欣賞與崇拜不已。Penelope笑一下,這笑是不自然,不合宜,沒用的(ἀχρεῖος,useless, unprofitable,pointless),是苦笑?還是因為內心有個好點子,所以偷笑? 無端端一笑,尷尬一笑。總之,她有一個念頭,對著奶媽Eurynome說,為了Telemachus,她打算出面解決問題。Telemachus成天和這群人相處,一來,這些人品行不好,會有負面影響;二來,這些人心裡籌謀害Telemachus,Penelope也擔心。

Eurynome的反應也值得深思,她認為如果Penelope要出去大廳,得先沐浴,抹香膏,打扮打扮,因為長期的憂傷流淚,此刻的Penelope 顯然有點不成人形。此外,奶媽建議Penelope可以向眾神祈禱,希望Telemachus有成熟大人的心智。可惜,家裡的神像似乎被這群不速之客催毀,而此刻Penelope也無心打扮。

雅典娜馬上出手相助,幫Penelope 紓壓,安靜睡下,還用瓊漿玉液(ambrosia)洗抹Penelope的臉頰,身體頓時豐滿,牙齒潔白。總之,這真是睡眠的神奇效果!


雅典娜通知 Penelope....Telemachus回來了

Odyssey 18. 117-157 Odysseus警告Amphinomus

日期: 20145 21
Odyssey 18. 117-157

οὐ μὲν γάρ ποτέ φησι κακὸν πείσεσθαι ὀπίσσω,
ὄφρ᾽ ἀρετὴν παρέχωσι θεοὶ καὶ γούνατ᾽ ὀρώρῃ:
ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δὴ καὶ λυγρὰ θεοὶ μάκαρες τελέσωσι,
καὶ τὰ φέρει ἀεκαζόμενος τετληότι θυμῷ:
τοῖος γὰρ νόος ἐστὶν ἐπιχθονίων ἀνθρώπων
οἷον ἐπ᾽ ἦμαρ ἄγησι πατὴρ ἀνδρῶν τε θεῶν τε.
καὶ γὰρ ἐγώ ποτ᾽ ἔμελλον ἐν ἀνδράσιν ὄλβιος εἶναι,
πολλὰ δ᾽ ἀτάσθαλ᾽ ἔρεξα βίῃ καὶ κάρτεϊ εἴκων,
πατρί τ᾽ ἐμῷ πίσυνος καὶ ἐμοῖσι κασιγνήτοισι.  (Odyssey 18.132-140)

He thinks he’ll never suffer any harm  
in days to come, as long as gods provide
prosperity and his knees stay supple.
But when blessed gods bring on misfortunes,
he bears those, too, though much against his will.
The father of gods and men brings men the days
which shape the spirit of earth’s inhabitants.
Among men I was set to be successful, too,
but, yielding to my strength and power,
I did many reckless things. I trusted
my father and my family. So no man
should ever practise any lawlessness. (Odyssey 18.132-140)


Odysseus看眼前這位追求者比較也禮貌,想給他一些警告,在此發表一段演說,也是他的人生哲學。萬物生靈中,人類最可悲,因為他們總以為災難不會發生在自己身上,以為自己可以永遠擁有成功(prosperity,ἀρετὴν),殊不知大難早已臨頭。希臘文ἀρετή 是goodness, excellence,prowess, prosperity, success等概念的總稱,有點類似Simone Weil談的「力」,或是基督教文化中談的「禮物」,一般人口中說的「才」,這些都是老天爺賦予每一個人的,但是,來自上天的禮物,也隨時會被取回。



維基百科介紹: Amphinomus
In Greek mythology, Amphinomus, also Amphínomos (Ἀμφίνομος; literally "grazing all about"), was the son of King Nisos and one of the suitors of Penelope that was killed by Telemachus. Amphinomus was considered the best-behaved of the suitors. Despite Odysseus's warning, he was compelled by Athena to stay, as he had been a suitor nonetheless. He was killed by a spear thrown by Telemachus during the murder of the suitors; ironically, Amphinomous had twice tried to dissuade the suitors from killing him. In other books Amphinomus heeds Odysseus' warning when he has a vision that the halls were filled with blood. He ran just in time out of the hallway before the slaughtering of the suitors begin.