2018年1月6日 星期六

20180106 Iliad 24. 52-54

20180106  Iliad 24. 52-54

οὐ μήν οἱ τό γε κάλλιον (榮譽goodness) οὐδέ τ᾽ ἄμεινον (好處being stronger).
μὴ ἀγαθῷ περ ἐόντι νεμεσσηθέωμέν(生氣)οἱ ἡμεῖς:
κωφὴν(沉默)γὰρ δὴ γαῖαν (大地)ἀεικίζει (傷害) μενεαίνων.

Surely neither honor nor profit will he have of this. Let him beware lest we grow angry with him, valiant though he is; for in his fury he disfigures the mute earth.

 英文譯本結語:in his fury he disfigures the mute earth—在憤怒中,他傷害的是仁慈的大地。希臘文中的大地是γαῖαν,蓋亞女神。我反覆思索箇中道理,大地孕育萬物,每個人的聰明才智、能力、擁有的一切都來自天地;當Achilles過度憤怒,失去平衡,終究愧對他與生俱來非凡的能力與才華。

Gaia was the goddess or personification of Earth in ancient Greek religion, one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe. Gaia was the primordial element from which all the gods originated and was worshiped throughout Greece, but later she went into decline and was supplanted by other gods. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.

