2018年1月20日 星期六

20180118 Iliad 24. 228-235

ὤ μοι ἐγὼ πανάποτμος, ἐπεὶ τέκον υἷας ἀρίστους
Τροίῃ ἐν εὐρείῃ, τῶν δ᾽ οὔ τινά φημι λελεῖφθαι,
Μήστορά τ᾽ ἀντίθεον καὶ Τρωΐλον ἱππιοχάρμην
Ἕκτορά θ᾽, ὃς θεὸς ἔσκε μετ᾽ ἀνδράσιν, οὐδὲ ἐῴκει
ἀνδρός γε θνητοῦ πάϊς ἔμμεναι ἀλλὰ θεοῖο.

Woe is me, who am completely ill-fated, since I begot sons the best in the broad land of Troy, yet of them I say that not one is left, not god-like Mestor, not Troilus the warrior charioteer, not Hector who was a god among men, nor did he seem the son of a mortal man, but of a god.

特洛伊國王悲痛自己的小孩的離世,這裡提到其中的三位: MestorTroilus, HectorMestor被形容成: “not god-like” (ἀντίθεον),和Hector是對比的,顯然Hector卓越非凡,彷彿神降世人間。


