2018年1月15日 星期一

20180113 Iliad 24. 161-165

παῖδες μὲν πατέρ᾽ ἀμφὶ καθήμενοι () ἔνδοθεν αὐλῆς (開放式的大廳)
δάκρυσιν (眼淚) εἵματ᾽ (外衣) ἔφυρον, ὃ δ᾽ ἐν μέσσοισι γεραιὸς (老人)
ἐντυπὰς (包裹著) ἐν χλαίνῃ (斗篷) κεκαλυμμένος (覆蓋): ἀμφὶ δὲ πολλὴ
κόπρος (髒土) ἔην κεφαλῇ () τε καὶ αὐχένι (脖子) τοῖο γέροντος (老人)
τήν ῥα κυλινδόμενος καταμήσατο χερσὶν ἑῇσι.

His sons sat about their father inside the court sullying their garments with their tears and their midst was the old king close-wrapped in his mantle; and on the old man’s head and neck was filth in abundance which he had gathered in his hands as he groveled on the earth.

特洛伊城裡一片哀淒。Priam 和他的兒子淚水不止,衣服都弄髒了。Priam以老人之形象出現,悲傷戰死之長子,用手挖地上的土,抹髒頭與脖子。這是古希臘人表達悲傷的方式,表達失去親人的方式,我思考那一把土,是一種回歸,也是一種重新連結。為死者(特別是為家庭成員)哀悼是活人的一種義務,對於古代希臘人來說,這也是一種聖法神律。人們遵守此聖法,死者得以安息、諸神得以滿足,而世間的秩序也就得以保持安穩。

The lying in state of a body (prothesis) attended by family members, with the women ritually tearing their hair, depicted on a terracotta pinax by the Gela Painter, latter 6th century BC
"Pinakes" (singular "pinax") are decorated plaques made usually of terracotta, but also of wood, ivory, stone, or metal, which were often dedicated as offerings in sanctuaries. The holes were used to hang them within the sanctuary on walls, trees, or even on the cult image of the deity. The terracotta examples were produced by the same pottery workshops that made vases. This black-figure example shows a "prothesis" scene, the lying-in-state of the deceased on a bed, surrounded by his family members, some of whom tear their hair in mourning.
希臘的喪葬禮儀/ 王瑩2001  


